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kmd's contributions


Is it stronger not to eat
Or take back your control?
Is the strength in wanting help
Or finishing the goal?

Are you weaker when you cry
Than when you hurt yourself?
Are you stronger when you make the change
Instead of taking what your dealt?

If you can't do it on your own
Then you cna't be strong enough
But then you only have yourself
When things get really rough.

Is the stength in holding on
When all you wnat is to let go?
Or is it when you stick it out
When your body begs you NO?

Are you stronger when youre moving up
Instead of taking one step back?
Or are you weaker when you give yourself
The things your body lacks?

My body contradicts my mind
I;m weak but also strong
I'm scared to have to face the day
When all my strength is gone.

"I wrote this because i'm so confused and don't know what part of me is telling me to do the right thing. I feel like i have two things inside of me fighting eachother and i don't know how to fix it."

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