November 2000
Santa in Space
The Bijou is coming to life again in a few weeks’ time with the musical pantomime of "Santa in Space".
Director Andrew Dean and the huge cast including James Clothier, Derek Clarke, Phil Shelton, Richard Tolman, Renae Payne, Sasha Hilton, Tanya Mayberry, Dimity Franks, Brian Walker, John Middleton, Chris Barr, Robyn Warfield, Glenda Anderson, Mark Williams, Christopher Gillis, Lee Stapley, Anyssa Baldwin, Jessica Ryan, Hannah Siemer, Mary Walker, Naomi-Jo Gillis and Jana Gillis are ready to bring some zany Christmas spirit to Esperance audiences. The show is accompanied by talented pianist Heather Timms (welcome back Heather) and will be performing on the following dates:
Fri 17th Nov, 7:30pm Opening Night
Sat Nov 18th, 2:00pm Matinee
Fri Nov 24th, 7:30pm
Sat Nov 25th, 2:00pm Matinee
Fri Dec 1st, 7:30pm
Sat Dec 2nd, 7:30pm Closing Night
$12 Adult
$8 Concession
$5 Student
$25 Family of 4
Esperance Theatre Guild Members receive Adult members’ seats for just $10 upon presenting their current Membership Card when booking.Book now at Civic Video
Festival of the Wind