The Glass Menagerie
Mel Bell will be directing the next
production written by American playwright Tennessee Williams. The
Glass Menagerie provides a glimpse into the lives of Amanda
Wingfield - a woman of great but confused vitality clinging
frantically to another time and place her daughter Laura - a
crippled, shy, fragile creature; her son Tom - a poet with a job
in a warehouse who dreams of escaping his mundane existence; and
Jim O'Connor, the nice, ordinary young man who enters the
Wingfield family's lives as the Gentleman Caller. The play
follows Amanda's attempts to create a secure future for Laura who
would prefer to stay home absorbed with her own menagerie of
glass figurines. All the characters provide scope for some fine
acting and the play is a powerful piece of drama.
Lyndel Taylor-
Amanda Lyndel first appeared on the Bijou stage in "A Murder is Announced". Since then she has extended her range to include a whore, a nun and a goose in the plays "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas", "Puss in Boots", "Deadline", "Away", "Little Shop of Horrors", "The Bijou Merry Moments", "Mother Goose", "Don's Party", "The Adventures of Sylvia", "The Sound of Music" and "In Too Deep". Her most recent appearance was as Kate in "On Our Selection" |
Derek Clarke- Tom Derek first appeared on the Bijou stage in the one act play "The Walking Dead" Since then he has appeared in "The Sound of Music", "Cosi", "Murder Play", "In Too Deep", "Got To Get Away" and "Variety Show" His most recent appearance was as Dave in "On Our Selection". |
Christy Payne-
Laura Christy Payne first appeared on the Bijou stage in "Grease". She has also appeared in the one act play "The Walking Dead", and was last seen as Cherry in "Cosi" |
Phil Shelton- Jim Phil first appeared in the one act play "Ernie's Incredible Illucinations" His most recent appearance was as Sandy ("Dear old Sandy") in "On Our Selection". |
Production dates are set for:
Thursday March 30
Friday March 31
Saturday April 1
Thursday April 6
Friday April 7
Saturday April 8
Prices are:
$12 adults
$8 concession
Tickets from Civic Video
The following review appeared in The Esperance Express on Tuesday April 4th 2000.