Guys & Dolls

Guys & Dolls

The next production at the Bijou Theatre is the musical "Guys & Dolls". Directed by Mel Bell.

"Guys & Dolls is a romantic fable based on the stories of Damon Runyon.
It is set in the centre of New York and is full of larger than life comic-book characters and wonderful songs." (Mel Bell)
The Cast

Mel Bell

Dimity and Greg

The gamblers

The Hotbox Girls


Nathan Detroit- Greg Ducas
Miss Adelaide - Dimity Wehr
Sky Masterson- Brian Walker
Sarah Brown- Tracey Schlink
Nicely-Nicely Johnson - Brad Oversby
LT. Brannigan - Wayne Warfield
Arvide Abernathy - Andrew Dean
General Matilda B. Cartwright - Lora Lowe
Joey Biltmore - Tim Barr

Benny Southstreet - Richard Tolman
Rusty Charlie - Leigh Scott
Harry the Horse - Derek Clarke
Angie the Ox - Phil Shelton
Liver-Lips Louie - Chris Barr
Big Jule - Chris Greenwood

Hot Box Girls

Lyndel Taylor
Sasha Hilton
Fran Purdue
Robyn Marsh-Warfield
Christy McKenna
Nellie Siemer

Salvation Army Band
Emma Bartel
Jeane Aitchison
Joan Cook
Clare Harvey
Alison Bell
Melissa Tinsley

Drunk - James Clothier
Hooker - Gwendydd Fox
Waiter - Tim Barr
Waiter - Peter Ede
Texan - Bob Stevens
Texan wife - Carolyn Chambers
Texan daughter - Hannah Siemer
Boxer - Peter Ede
Dancer - Terry Madden
Dancer - Freda Madden
Newspaper Vendor - Mark Williams
Blind Man - Geoff Poole

Tracey and Brian

Salvation Army Band

Maggie and Merilyn


Director - Mel Bell

Producer - Roma-Lee Western
Stage Manager - Mark Litherland
Lighting Director - Andrew Bounds
Lighting Crew - Steve Lowe, Sue Abel
Sound - Sharon Livingston
Costumes - Flora Yetman
Choreography - Lyndel Taylor
Musical Director - Maggie Tolman
Accompanist - Merilyn Major
Props - Carolyn Chambers
Stage Crew - Victoria Young, James Clothier, Anne Hilton,
Bob Stevens, Geoff Poole.

Production dates are:
* March 23, 24, 29, 30 & 31
* April 5, 6 & 7

Tickets are available from Civic Video

Prices are:
$40 family pass (2 + 2).
$16 adults and $12 concession.
$8 students.
Guild members and groups of 10 or more at $12 per ticket.