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"It's more beautiful then I ever dreamed." Anna whispeared.


Anna glanced down to see three young girl by her side. Who were they?

Her father pressed a hand to her cheek. "I will let you eat and rest under the canopy deck now. Enjoy the sights my daughter."

The three young girls, not more then ten years old each walked up some wodden stairs. Anna followed and found herself on the highest point of the ship, where a sitting area was arranged with lounging chairs.

Anna moved over and sat down resting her arm on the end. The girls began to serve her drinks and food.

If this is a dream, it's more real then life Anna thought.


It wasn't until about five hours later that the great ship docked in Thebes port. During that time Anna had come to realise something wonderful had happened to her. Her dream had come true. By some magical force, she'd been transported nearly 2000 years into the past. She was livng during the greatest age of Egyptian history.

The great temples stood out like massive mountains. People filled the streets in exotic costumes singing, dancing, bargening.

She had learned the name of her first slave and Thino. A man from a far away land. She assumed it was Italy he'd come from, since his eyes were almond brown and he had deep wavy mahogony hair. He'd been chossen by his father for his bravery and intelligence. He was just 20 years old and did all that his mistress, Anna, bid him to do and that was his purpose in life.

As they began to get ready to desend to the ground. Thino stood by her, his dagger at his waist. She had two other body gaurds and both young men were from her father's army. They stood on either side their breast plat armour gold and glinting in the sun.

Her father, she'd managed to learn, was a great hero of the Egyptian army. And the wealthist, non-royal person in Egypt.

The reason for the visit to Thebes was that the newly crowned Pharo of Egypt Ramses the III a young man of 19 wanted to celebrate a recent victory over Mesopetamia led by her father, Kupt-nu.

She was Anipta, only child of Kupt-nu, born from a princess far far away. Her father had wed the girl, but her birth had killed her mother and so he was left with only a daughter. Remourse and guilt had prevented him from marrying again.

Wanting everything for his daughter, she led the life of a princess even though she held no royal blood within her.

The trumpet horns blasted signaling that the boat was fully secure and ready for the departure of the passangers.

Thino held one of her hands as they walked down the narrow plank way.

"When will my father departe?" she asked Thino.

"Shortly after us. You will go to the royal palace first and remain securee inside there until your father summons you."

On ground level a sitting ounge was brought out carried by fourmen. Thino led Anna on to the lounger and sat behind her. The silk roof offered some shade from the scrorching sun.

The procession made it's way through the interior of the city of Thebes. It took an hour to reach the royal palace.

Anna was immedialy escorted to her quarters which had a huge balcony that overlooked the river nile down below and the city of Thebes with all its buildings. Her bed was a monstrous thing that rested in the center of the room. White silk curtains blowing in a soft breeze.

"M'lady are you weary? Do you wish your nap now?" Thino asked.

Anna shook her head. She walked out onto an opposite balcony and gazed below then up and across the courtyard of the palace. She stiffled a yawn. All the heat and traveling had made her just a bit dozzy.

She closed her eyes and drew in a deep breath. it smelled of...sandlewood. Sandlewood?!

Her eyes snapped open and locked with a pair of black ones.

A man stood on a balcony on the other side of the courtyard. A great distance away and yet she could have sworn she'd seen his eyes clearly.

He wore a simple Egyptian skirt made of the white wool. Chest bare except for two golden braclets on his bicepts. He was bald but for a poneytail that came past his shoulder. He looked like the man from her dream, but how...

The man smiled and waved at her.

Embaraced and flushed she retreated back into her room.

"M'lady are you alright?"

"Fine Thino. Mearly a little tired. Perhaps I will have a nap."

Thino led her to her bed where she lay down and closed her eyes.


When Anna next awoke, the day had turned to night.

"Thino?" she called.

Thino rushed to her side immediatly.

"Has my father arrived?"

"Hours ago M'lady. He visited you but did not disturb your slumber. They are feasting in the courtyard below. Shall I send for some food?"

Anna considered going down to the feast, but decided it was better to remain confinde in her room. She still felt shacken by the man with the poneytail and his dark gaze. Who was he?

When Thino returned with food she sat down on the balcony so she could watch the courtyard entertainment.


"Yes M'lady?"

"Do you know who occupies the grande chamber opposite this balcony?"

"I belive it is the chambers of the High Priest."

"The High Priest? You mean the Pharoh's advisor."

"Yes M'lady."


She slipped more bread into her mouth and chewed. The fact that there was no cutlery didn't matter to her. She felt oddly enough that she was ajusting to this old world incredibly fast.

The rythmatic sound of singing and drums was hypnotic and invergerating. Anna stood up and leaned against the stone railing.

Suddenly a man's face appeared by her arm.

She screamed and jumped back.

Thino already had his sword out pointed at the man. Her bodygaurds rushed the crocked toothed man, trying to get him off the balcony.

"Please!" the man was yelling. "Money! Food for the poor!"

Anna's hand flew to her throat. How could that old man have climbed the inner court yard walls.

Thino pushed her back inside the chamber for more safety. More of her gaurds surrounded her.

She heard more struggeling and curses...then a scream. The music from the court yard died.

"What happened Thino? Did the man fall?"

Her first slave loked at his mistress's pale face.

"I'm sure someone caught the man."

Anna gave Thino a doubtful look but remembered that she was supposed to be a meak and shy princess kind of girl.

Her chamber doors were thrown open and her father stormed in, his face furious.

"Anipta!" Her father shouted, he lifted his arms for her.

"Father!" she ran into the man's outstreched arms. He held her close. Then let her go.

"You are well?"

Anna nodded her head.

Some palace gaurds stood behind her father.

"How did that 'thing' managed to get into the palace walls?!" her father shouted at them.

A voice from behind the gaurds made Anna catch her breath.

"Lord Kupt-nu. He was an old palace slave. He got into the palace by the fault of a now dead gaurd."

Anna was half hidden behind her father's tall frame. She could make out only the swirling black cloak with the ruby red jewlled embroidery.

"Lord Namh-Pah. I thank you for your swiftness."

Lord Nahm-Pah?! The priest who cursed Egypt? Anna felt a shiver pass through her body. She didn't want to see the man. He made her feel uneasy and even a little scared.

Her father moved forward so now she was no longer blocked form Namh-Pah's view. Her father spoke, but she didn't hear the words.

Namh-Pah's eyebrows rose as he gazed at her. His eyes traveled from her head to her feet and back up to her face where his eyes seemed to bore into her skull.

Thino must have sensed his mistresse's unease for he came up to stand slightly in front of her.

Anna resited the urge to hide completly behind Thino.

"Yes of course Lord Kupt-Nu. Now, is this your beautiful daughter I have heard so much of?"

Anna stiffled a groan.

Her father smiled, "Of course. Anipta. Come and meet one of the greatest men I know. High Priest of Osiris, Lord Namh-Pah."

Anna took her father's outstretched hand and came forward. Was she supposed to cursey or something?

Lord Namh-Pah smiled at her and took her other hand and kissed the inside of her wrist.

Anna hoped she wasn't blushing!

Her father laughed. "Youth! I would like to be as young as you Namh-Pah!"

Lord Namh-Pah answered back with a smile. "I'm not that young anymore old man."

Her father claped his hands together. "Drinks!"

The servents rushed to do his bidding.

"Now Namh-Pah, you will join my daughter and I for celebration drinks."

"I wish that I could Lord Kupt-Nu, but I have many affairs to settle this evening before tomorows festivle. You will attend the festive Lady Anipta?"

Her father answered for her. "Of course she will."

Namh-Pah smiled and Anna felt a shiver go up and down her body. His smile held more depth then an endless cave.

"Perhaps you would permit me to invite your daughter on the Osiris float for the Nile procession?"

Her father smiled and nodded his head. "I would trust you with my life Namh-pah, I trust you with hers."

'I don't trust him.' Anna thought to herself.

Namh-Pah turned to her and his eyes seemed to ask the question 'why?'.

Anna bowed her head to avoid his gaze. He made her very uneasy.


Anna woke to the sounds of birds cherping near her bed. She rose and nearly screamed. It wasn't a dream! She was REALLY here.


Shaking her head she stood up and walked out onto the balcony.

"Morning little blossom."

Anna gasped and whipping around saw Lord Namh-pah resting against the side of her balcony. "You slept in."

Anna swallowed.

Namh-Pah turned his cat like eyes on her and studied her intently. "I make you very nervous little one. Why is that?"

Anna shook her head.

"I don't make you nervous?"

Anna nodded her head.

"Lies." Namh-Pah whispeared. "Why do you fear me? You do not know me."

Anna found her voice. "Where is Thino?"

"Waiting outside. I told him to awate us did not forget about the boat procession today."


"Good." Namh-Pah held out his hand to Anna. "Come little one."

Anna turned avoiding his hand, "Don't call me that."

She thought she heard him cover his laughter.


Copyright 2000, Charmeye.