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Curse of Nam-Pah Annie jerked awake when the water hit her face.

“Up Lady!” A voice commanded.

Nam-Pah’s arm moved away from her.

“And you...priest! Get up too!”

Annie rubbed her eyes and stiffly stood up. Her body felt stiff and stank like the room.

Someone grabbed her arm and moved her quickly from the hold and literally threw her onto the deck. She stumbled and fell, hitting her side against the wooden floor.

“Careful!” The leader commanded. “The Sultan prefers his merchandise to arrive without bruises.”

“She’s rank enough to smell!” Someone answered. “I doubt he’d look twice at her.”

Annie moved herself up onto her feet but before she could think of escaping, her hands were bound and a gag placed in her mouth.

“Move it!”

She was dragged down the gangplank. Where was Nam-Pah?

She turned her head and just glanced up at the ship. Nam-Pah was standing beside the leader of the bandit. The bandit took out his sword and with a quick flick, ran it across Nam-Pah’s chest.

Annie screamed against the gag in her mouth.

Nam-Pah flickered in obvious pain but didn’t cry out.

The man who led her in chains jerked Annie forward. “Faster!”


Annie’s tears began to run down her face as soon as she was dragged inside the palace. She couldn’t help it, she’d heard rumors in her own time about what happened to young women who went to Sultans. They were sold, like slaves and forced to…do unmentionable actions.

Annie groaned and let her head fall to her chest.

The chains were yanked forward so fast that Annie stumbled and fell to her knees. When she tried to stand, a hand slammed her back down.


“Well?” A tight voice asked. “What have you brought to the Sultan here?”

Her captor answered.

“An Egyptian Lady? We have no use for her here. Egypt is our ally, why would the Sultan keep her in his harem?”

The bandit beside Annie bowed. “The Sultan must understand that the Lady, is a mistress of the Lord that was also captured.”

“Ahh yes, that tough solider you brought to us? He is a solider is he not? It would be bad, if he turned out to be someone important.”

The man figided. “I tell you only what I have been told sire.”

Annie finally looked up through tear filled eyes at the man who was speaking to her captor. He sat on a pile of cushions, a strange turban on his head. He was thin and wore a mustache, which he stroked as he spoke.

The man glanced at her and raised an eyebrow. Annie stared right back, not flinching. The man smiled and rose from the cushions.

“My brother, I think, will not appreciate this gift. However, she is a jewel that will look beautiful in his crown of a harem. Send thanks to your leader and leave the girl here.”

The chain fell to the floor and her captor left.

“Now then,” The man stepped forward and with a flick of his wrist, undid her chains. “What is your name little one?”


A woman came forward, robed in a fine silk black robe with a veil.

“Lila. This is Anipta, she will be a new flower for the harem.”

The woman bowed her head and then reached out to help Annie to her feet. “Come child. Fear no more.”

Annie let herself be led by the woman.

“Who was that man in there?” Asked Annie is a soft voice, sore from the ordeal.

The woman looked briefly at her. “The Sultan’s brother, Lord Olexi.”

Annie shook her head. “My name is Lady Anipta, I am a wealthy daughter to the General...”

The woman cut her off with a pointed finger. “It matters not what you were before.”

Annie continued to follow the woman down the beige stone palace corridors.

“Where has Nam-Pah been taken?”


“The man that was also captured.”

The woman shook her head. “I do not know. And if I did, I could not tell you.”

Annie sighed. Things were not looking good.


“Nam-Pah. You’re finally up.”

Nam-Pah turned around, away from the window. He smiled at his half-brother.


Lord Olexi came froward, extending a hand. “Brother! Even under these circumstances it is still good to see you.”

Nam-Pah nodded his head excepting his brother’s outstretched hand. “It is good to see you too brother. How are you?”

“Faring well. How is your chest?” Olexi asked.

“Still a little sore. What about Anipta?”

“Resting the harem.”

“Harem!” Nam-Pah shook his head. “What is she doing in there.”

“I couldn’t send her anywhere else. Tell she really your mistress?”

“Unfortunately no. She doesn’t seem to enjoy my company that much.”

“Imagine that.” Olexi said on a laugh. He moved over to the doorway. “Come. We’ll go get your little flower.”

“Have you already dealt with the bandits that tried to sell us?”

“Of course.”

Nam-Pah laughed. “I never doubt your speed in…justice.”


Annie swirled her feet in the cool pond. Her fingers dipping in and out, making ripples. Around her the other women who spoke in languages she didn’t know, continued their chatter and laughter.

It had been only three days, and no one had been able to tell her anything.

Suddenly behind her she heard a familiar laugh.

She jumped up from the side of the pond and ran around it, across the trees to the harem entrance.

Walking into the well-protected garden were the Lord Olexi and Lord Nam-Pah, both were smiling and laughing.

Annie suddenly felt uncomfortable in the harem outfit that Lila had provided for her.

The other women just suddenly surged around her, running forward to great the Lord Olexi. Annie thankfully crowded behind them. What had happened? Why was Lord Nam-Pah looking well and actually happy?

Nam-Pah moved through the crowd of women to her.

“You look beautiful little blossom.” He said to her.

Annie frowned. “Why...are you alright? What happened? Why are you smiling?”

Nam-Pah smiled down at her. He reached out and touched the red silk veil that covered her lower face. “I’m perfectly fine. Lord my half brother. My mother remarried the old Sultan of this land after my father passed away.”

“Your brother!” Annie looked over at the man who was supposedly Lord Nam-Pah’s half brother.

“How are you faring little blossom?” He reached out and touched her face, moving her gaze back to his. “Those animals, they didn’t hurt you did they?”

“No.” Annie shook her head. Before she could stop herself she reached out her hand and touched the still pink scar that lined his chest through the opened shirt. “What about you. Does it still hurt?”

Nam-Pah pressed her hand against his chest. “It doesn’t hurt anymore.”

Annie looked away and quickly moved her hand away. “When will we return home?”

“Tomorrow. A message has already been sent back to the palace to tell them we are alive. Olexi will send his personal guards back with us. Of course, we’ll be traveling in disguise, we don’t want to run into any more fortune hunting slave owners.”

Annie nodded her head.

Lord Olexi came over. “Lady Anipta…I see you are much recovered from your ordeal.”

Annie nodded her head. “Yes. Thank you, everyone has been very kind to me.”

“Dinner will be served in two hours. Nam-Pah will escort you of course, being your husband.”

Lord Olexi winked at Annie before turning and leaving the garden.

Annie closed her gaping mouth and turned to Nam-Pah. “Husband?”

“It would be the only way for us to get out of this country...unmarried women are not escorted by strange men. Ever.”

“You could have chosen to be my brother…not my husband!”

Nam-Pah leaned over her and kissed her bare forehead. “I hardly feel like a brother to you Anipta.”

Annie glared at him. “When is dinner?”

Nam-Pah grinned at her. He raised her hand and kissed it. “I will come back and escort you in a short time.”

Annie snatched her hand back. “The faster we return, the quicker I don’t have to spend another second in your presence.”

As she walked back to the pond she heard Nam-Pah laughing. “Back to your old self in an instance little blossom…you were so concerned about me a few days ago.”

“Any human being would be concerned over a pitifully wounded man!” She threw over her shoulder.

Nam-Pah only laughed harder as he left the garden.

Copyright 2001 Charmeye