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The Lovers

There is something to be said of those who are the pure romantiques in this world.
They suffer in this modern age, as if putting Shakespear to a hard base rock beat is making it any better.
A word where jaded personas and uncarring hearts populate the world not fit for the romantiques.
Sarah Scott, is just such a person. But she was given an amazing gift.
The chance to live the life she had always dreamed of in a different time, in a different world.


Sarah's breath caught in her throat for the fourth time. She still couldn't belive it.

The soft golden gauze flowed around her like pure silk. She touched the material, encrusted with small pears and the golden ribbons.

She touched her long, brown braided hair. The semi crown she wore on top, bejewled with emeralds and pears.

"Oh my." She whispeared.


Sarah turned to see an eldarly woman in the doorway. She wore a simple brown cotton dress then scraped the floor as she walked towards Sarah.

"Is something wrong with the dress M'lady?"

"What? Oh no, of course not, it's very beautiful."

The older woman stopped and stared at Sarah.

"Th...thank you M'lady."

The older woman bobed a curtsy and quickly left the room.

Sarah looked around her.

Now what?

She picked up the golden shimmery viel that lay on the big bed.

"It must be my wedding day." Sarah mused outloud.

Off in the distance she heard the beatign of horses.

Picking up her dress, she quickly ran to the tall, slit window ledge to look out.

Down below, about ten stories, a procession of armored knights was entering the castle's courtyard. At the head of the procession was a bloack armored Knight on a pure white war horse.

The crowd cheered and threw flower pettals for the Knights. Children ran to a thro, laughing and creating miscief.


Sarah turned her head to see a beautiful blond woman in a green dress standing beside her.

"Are you ready daughter?"


The woman looked a little taken back at Sarah's answer.

"Then come. Let us get the viel on and proced downstairs. Lord Castlemine has arrive."

Sarah stood before her 'new' mother and waited patiently for the viel to be put into place.

Then they walked out into a long hallway and down some stairs until they finally reached a great hall that had been seperated in half. On each side were crowds of faces Sarah didn't recognize.

Her mother led ehr to an elderly grey haired man dressed in velvet red cloth and silver armor.

The man took her hand and placed it on his.

"Daughter." He simply said.

Sarah looked down the red carpeted ile and saw a tall handom man at the end. it was the knight in the black armor she'd seen from the window. This must be Lord Castlemine.

Her 'father' began to walk down the ile and Sarah followed, her stomach finally fluttering with butterflies.

As they neared the podium, Sarah could see the the Knight really was very handsom. Although he had cold blue eyes, his soft chesnut hair fell wavy and full to his shoulders.

His face however had a scar along the left side. From eye to chin the scar ran, obviusly from long ago.

Sarah felt her stomach clench. Lord Castlemine even with the scar, was still to die for goregeous!

She felt her face glow with a smile. This was what fairy tales were made of.

When Lord Castlemine saw her smile through her viel, his frown deppened to what she could have only though as anger.

Her father took her hand in his.

The priest spoke. "Who givith this woman?"

"I do." Her father responded.

Her hand was placed into the large palm of Lord Castlemine.

As they knelt before the priest, Sarah cast another quick glance at Lord Castlemine.

He caught her glance and frowned at her. His hand left hers abruptly.

The priest began the ceremony.

Sarah remained rivited to the entire procession although she couldn't understand most of it.

She didn't have to say anything except I do.

When the priest made the motion, Lord Castlemine turned, lifted the viel and gave Sarah a quick, dry peck on the lips.

Lord Castlemine must have seen herdissapointment because his frown turned into a scowl.

Then they both rose to the cheers and appluses of the audience. Lord Castlemine place her hand on his and walked down the ile.

They walked out into the courtyard followed by Lord Castlemine's Knights. The sun was so bright it almost blinded Sarah.

She would have stumbled if Lord Castlemine hadn't steadied her.

"Thank you." she said.

Lord Castlemine didn't say one word back to her. He just led her down the steps to his war horse.

Sarah had never been on a horse before and was about to say something about it when Lord Castlemine swiftly mounted his horse and warped an arm around her and lifted her up before him.

Sarah gave a small yelp and steaded her hands against Lord Castlemine's armored chest.

"Good fortuen daughter."

Sarah looked down and saw her mother's tightly drawn face. Was this good-bye?

Suddenly Lord Castlemine spurred his horse forward.

"Hey!" Sarah said. "I didn't get to say good-bye!"

Lord Castlemine spoke for the first time. A deep, comforting commanding voice.

"You were not going to say good-bye Lady Sarah. We both know what you really would have said."

Sarah closed her mouth. Wasn't this supposed to be a perfect fairy tale? What was she going to do with some moody knight that was also her husband.

Strike up a conversation?

"Where are we headed?"

Lord Castlemine's arm tightened around her waist almost near to crushing her ribbs.

"You know very well Lady."

The last word had been spat out like scalding water.

Sarah felt like crying.

This wasn't her fairy tale!


The door slamed shut behind Sarah.

She looked around her new room in the new castle.

All the furniture and carpeting was a deep dull brown and red.

A large bed and desk with a chair were the only furniture in the room.

"There! Put them there!"

Sarah turned to see Lord Castlemine directing two knights carring two heavy chests.

This must be her luggage.

The Knights bowed then left the room.

"You may unpack what you need." Lord Castlemine told her.

He then moved to leave.

"You're not staying?" Sarah asked.

He turned his head slightly.

"This game is becoming old Sarah. We both know you would wish I were someone else."


Sarah's response was so quick that he did finally turn around. confusion was writ on his face.

"Look Lord Castlemine. I'm not the Lady Sarah you must have previously know. I've changed, I'm different."

Lord Castlemine watched her face intently.

"I do know you Sarah. This is yet another one of your tricks."

"Aghh!! Look, would you give it up and really look at me?! I don't act like the 'old' Sarah do I?"


"Do you know I can speak French? Comment allez vous? Or ever Chinese? Ching-chong che!"

"Who are you?" Lord Castlemine asked.

"I'm Sarah Scott. I was given the amazing chance to live a different life. I won't have another life where everyone still ignores me!"

Lord Castlemine considered her outburst for a few moments before he made his decission.


Sarah kept bagging on the doors for up to an hour before her hands couldn't take any more.

She sank to the floor among the tatters of her once beautiful gown.

She wasn't a witch!

She wasn't.


Sarah turned her head and saw two eyes pearing at her through a small hole in the door.

"Who are you?"

The eyes blinked.

"I'm Tom-Tom. I'm here to get you out of here. Remember?"

Sarah shook her head.

"Did he hurt you M'lady?"

"Only in pride."

Tom-Tom scoffed. "Women have no pride."

"How are you getting me out of here and why?"

"So you can meet up with Sir Robert."

"Sir Robert?"

"Lord Castlemine's younger brother. Remember, the one you love?!"

Sarah's mind reeled.

So this was why Lord Castlemine hatted her. The former Sarah had cheated on him with the younger brother!

"No Tom-Tom. I'm staying here."

"You're what?!"

"I'm not leaving to be with this Sir Robert."

Tom-Tom blinked his eyes.

"Very well M'lady. I will pass the message on."

Sarah leaned her head against the wall and closed her eyes.

"I wondered." A deep voice said from the darkness.

Sarah snapped open her eyes and sat up stright.

Lord Castlemine stood in the shadow of the room, this time without his black armor.

"I wondered," he continued. "If you'd be pressuaded to do your old habbits. I see you did not."

"Please! Lord Castlemine understand that the Sarah you must have know is dead."

"Yes. And you killed her."

"No! I just took her place. Look, I know that this is hard to belive but it's true!"

"As you keep telling me. But where is your proff M'lady?"

Sarah sighed.

Suddnly and idea shot through her head.

"I can write!"

"Ha! No woman can write."

"This one can! Give me some ink and paper and I'll show you."


The young boy came to the door.

"Fetch a pot of ink, quill and papter and bring them to my quarters."

"Yes M'lord!"


Sarah held up the paper.

"There, it stays, 'I Sarah Scott do herby state that I have taken the place, body and heart of Lady Sarah and have made them my own by the gift of the god."

Lord Castlemine examined the paper.

"You can truly write."


Lord Castlemine looked at her.

"Who are you?"

"I told you Sarah Scott."

"But you look exaclty like Lady Sarah, in every way."

"Yes." Sarah nodded her head. "We tradded place. I just look exaclty like her now."

"I still dont' belive you."

Sarah spead her hands. "What would be absolute proof?"

"Are you still a maid?"

A maid? A virgin?!


"There will be my proof."

"What!?" Sarah jumped up from the desk. Pointing her finger at the bedn she shook her head.

"No way!"

Lord Castlemine steped forward and grabed Sarah's arm.

"Do you know any other way? We still have not commited the wedding ceremony in full."

Sarah kept shacking her head even as Lord Castlemine drew her towards the bed and sat her down.

"You are truly frightened." Lord Castlemine mussed.


"Christian. My real name."

Sarah nodded her head. "Lord Christian."

"No, just Christian."

He reached a hand out and carresed her cheak.

"You're shivering." he observed.

Christian hunched down and looked into Sarah's eyes.

"I do not know you anymore Sarah."

Sarah bowed her head.

"I told you. You've never known me."

Christian reached out his hands and pulled the tattered viel from her hair.

"This is hte only way any proff will satisfy me."

Sarah shook her head. "But-"

Her breath caught as Christian molded his lips to hers. She closed her eyes and savored the feel of his arms around her, his essense drawing her in closer.

His lips moving softly over hers at first and then harder until she had to open her mouth fully to his. Finally he lifted his mouth and stared into her eyes.

"I don't care who you are anymore."

Sarah felt the world tilt and then she lost her senses as Christian kissed her again.


Sarah woke to the sound of birds by the window ledge.

She streched and reached a hand out to her side.


She sat up with the bed cloth to her chest.

He was gone.

Sarah flopped back down in the bed. Tears stung her eyes. What had she done?!

"I hope those are not tears of regret M'lady."

Sarah smiled and opened her eyes.

"I thought you had left me."

Chrisitan only half dresed in his brown sadle pants sat down beside her on the bed.

He reached out a hand and carresed her cheak.

"I would never leave this Sarah."

Sara smiled and wrapped her arms around Christian's waist.

"I love you." She said truthfully.

Christian kissed the top of her head.

"I have to leave for France today. We are again at war."

"What?!" Sarah asked.

Her head shot up so quickly she knocked it into Christian's chin.

Christian pulled her again him.

"War is commen. And I must go to command my army."

"I forgot."

"What?" Christian asked.

"I forgot," Sarah mused. "How volitile this times were as well."

"You speak as though you come from the future. But then again, who knows where you come from. And don't tell me. I don't care."

"I will come with you."

Christian stood up from the bed. "The hell you will!"

Sarah laughed. "Why not? You'd be there to protect me."

Christian touched her nose. "You'd be a distraction."

"I love you."

"That's no excuse."

"I'm frightened."

Chrisitian sighed. "God! One night of loving and now I'm your slave woman!"

Sarah beamed. She stood up her hands on Christian's shoulders. "I get to come."

Christian ran a hand through his hair.

"Yes. Yes, you can come. My lovely Sarah Scott. How could I have ever confused you with that witch Lady Sarah."

"She sounds like a very selfish young woman."

"Yes she was."

Sarah traced Chrisitans scar. "I'm sorry."

"It wasn't your fault Sarah. It was that other witch Sarah."


Suddnely Christian pulled Sarah by the waist and twirled her around the room before setting her down.

"Now, get packed! We have just under two hours before we leave."

Sarah grinned.

Her fairy tale was about to turn into a wonderful adventure!


The End...for now.