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Part 6

Wayde woke up still screaming with Derek shaking her arms.

“Wake up Wayde!” he said. “You were having a nightmare.”

Wayde sank into Derek’s arms. Thankful for any comfort after the nightmare she’d just had.

Derek held her tight and stroked the top of her head. “It’s all right.”

Wayde shook her head. “No, it’s not.”

Wayde tried to pull away, but Derek held on. “I want to tell you something Wayde.”

Wayde closed her eyes.

“I’m sorry.”

Wayde went still. “What?”

“I know I’ve put you through a lot…and nothing I can say will make up for it. So I’ll understand if you…” Derek took a deep breath. “If you want to leave me.”

Wayde was shocked. “You’re letting me go? After all of this...why now? Why couldn’t this have happened earlier.”

Derek kissed her temple, then sat up and looked down at her. He shoved his hands into his pant pockets. He hadn’t even changed out of his suit yet.

“You can live your own life Wayde, the way you wanted to. I won’t interfeer, I’ll supply you with enough money that you’ll never want for anything. I’ll stay completely out of your life. That is what you want right?”

Wayde let her head fall down, “Yes.”

Derek sounded like he was having trouble speaking. “Very well...I’ll...I’ll make the arrangements. We’ll be back in San Fransico within the week and I’ll announce then that we have broken off the engagement.”

Derek left the room.

Wayde stared ahead of her, he was letting her go. Why?


Jacob had to practically run to catch up with Derek brisk walk.


Derek turned around putting a finger into his friends chest. “I am NOT happy with this plan Jacob. I don’t care how smart you are, and how much logic you put before me...I’m letting Wayde go. I promised myself I would never EVER do that!”

Jacob nodded his head up and down. “It’s the only way. I suspect that the target has only been placed on Miss Wells because she is engaged to you. We get rid of that, and it might be what will stop the attacks.”

Derek continued his walk down the corridor of his New York Office.

Jacob caught up again and grabed Derek’s arm. “Haven’t you ever heard the saying...”

“If you love something let it go. If it comes back it was meant to be, if not, it was never really yours to begin with.”

Jacob smiled. “It’ll work. Trust me.”

“I do...I just don’t trust the idea of Wayde out of my site.”

“So you told her everything we agreed on?”


Jacob nodded his head at the body gaurds down the hall. “She’ll still have security, enough to keep you happy. And of course, they’ll be me.”

Derek crossed his arms. “I've lied to her...again!”

“To save her!"

Derek turned and opened his office door. “I don’t care if this lookslike it will save her! I’m just causing Wayde more pain! Damn it!”

Jacob followed him inside. “Temper, temper. You aren’t doing your colhestoral any good.”

“Oh shut up!” Derek said and pushed Jacob out the office.


Wayde packed her last sweater in the suitcase and handed it to the bellhop. It had been a crazy few days, ones that she hadn’t seen Derek once.

She would be flying back to San Fransico. She was actually going to have her own life, she already had picked out a nice home. One that her new personal body gaurds and secritary had agreed upon. She was thankful for the staff help, and understood that she would need to have security around her at least for the next few years. Years.

She shook her head to clear out her mind. She had many more things to worry about, that and visiting Quinn’s tombstone. She frowned, tears coming close again. She had even missed his funeral, she felt awful.

“Miss Wells? The limo is ready.”

Wayde nodded her head and followd her secretary Sarah outside of the hotel.


Above on the 56th floor, Derek watched through a window as he felt Wayde get into her limo and head back to San Fransisco. Damn, but he couldn't watch her walk out of his life again.


Wayde was dreaming.

Derek held out a hadn to her, "Please."

She shook her head, her long curls tumbling.

"I can't"

Derek came up to her. "Can't? Or won't?"

Wayde reached out and touched his cheak. "I can't Timothy. Forgive me."

Derek pulled her forward. "I can make you change your mind."

Wayde whispeared. "You can't."

"Miss Wells?"

Wayde rubbed her eyes. "Y..Yes?"


Wayde reached out a hand and took the phone. She sat up in the bed. "Hello?"

"Good morning Wayde."

"Hello Derek. I saw the annoucement yesterday."

Wayde reached over, grabbing the newspaper. The one that had an exclusive article on the 'delay' of their marriage.

Derek breath hissed over the phone. "Yes. It's all in order now...and how are you doing?"

Wayde looked out her window. She breathed in slowly, blowing it out in a huff. "Can't you tell?"

Derek didn't answer.

Wayde laughed coldly, "Oh yes, I remember. I'm hard to read right?"

"I wondered if you would want to have dinner together sometime this week Wayde."

"Nope Derek. I wouldn't, goodbye...oh and one more thing, stop invading my dreams!"

Wayde pressed the off button.


Derek sat back in his chair. He hadn't been in Wayde's dreams in weeks. Not since they were both back in San Fransico.

Was she dreaming of him? Or both of them? It would be impossible to tell, unless he rentered her dreams again.

Jacob knocked on his study door.

"Come in Jacob."

Jacob walked in with a file folder.

Derek reajusted himself in his chair.

"Back to work Jacob?"

"Yup. Here are the reports for today, and how is Miss Wells?"

"Still mad a tme, but setteling in I suppose."

"You know, she's probably just as upset and miserable as you are."

Derek smiled, "Hmm, she'd like to hope so."

He opened the file folder.

"What the hell is this!"

Jacob stared. "I don't know."

On top of the stack of legal documents was a picture of Wayde, the words DEAD were painted across the picture in block letters in red paint.

"God! I thought this would stop!"

Derek reached out and touched the picture, he closed his eyes. Consentrating he tried to picture the person who had created the threatening picutre.

A few miniets later he opened his eyes.


Jacob frowned. "No luck?"

"No. Blocked again."

"This persone is very strong Derek...a rival to your power..."

Jacobs voice trailed off.

Suddenly both of them jumped up."Cassandra!"


copyright, 2000. Charmeye.