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Wayde tossed and turned in her bed.


Wayde turned her head. She had to be dreaming again, she'd never have dreamed up a royal satin ballgown.

Derek appeared behind her.

"Dance with me."

Wayde fell easily into the steps.

"Thank you." Derek said.

Wayde frowned. "For what?"

"For making me happy, and helping me realise that there is more to life then money and power."

"I...made you realise that?"

"Yes. You did."

Wayde felt arms close around her, hurting her.

She couldn't breath!

Her eyes snapped open, her hands going to the hands around her throat.

She focused on the face above her.

It was her maid! Cassandra, what the hell was she doing? "Cass-" Her voice was cut off.

"I'll kill you this time, and you won't come back! He'll never find you again!"

Wayde brought her leg up adn kicked Cassandra, her hands grabbed for the vase on her side board and crashed it onto Cassandra's head.

Wayde rolled off the bed and felt the world tilt. Her eyes had bright splotches of white light all over the place.

She tried to stand up, but she stumbled. "Help."

Cassandra fell on top of her, sending Waydes head right smack onto the carpeted floor.

She screamed as Cassandra began to grip her hair, but her screams were horse sounds, near to whispears.

The world became a white glowing edged thing, she didn't even feel afriad when the darkness flodded her, and she fell to the floor.


Derek spun the car around another corner.

Jacob gave a weak laugh. "Carful mate, I just bought this a week ago."

Derek spared Jacbo a small smile. "Don't worry, I'm psychic remember?"

"No scratches Derek, that's all I ask!"

The two had tried to call Wayde's household but the lines had been disconected.

Derek had tried to focus in on any one of his gaurds, but it was a brick wall blocking him.

They were, to say the least, in a rush. Following them were a few hundred oracle gaurds.

Suddenly Derek slamed the breaks hard enough to send the car in a little spin.

He jumped out. Looking around.

Oh God! A muscle jumped in his jaw, his legs felt like lead. It couldn't be happening again!

He couldn't think, couldn't see. Didn't want to either.

Jacob came up behind him. "What?"

Derek took one slow step, then another, until he was full out running across teh road to the tress on the ege of the forest.

The brown bag lay there.

Derek crashed to his knees by the bag, he touched it. Something wet rubbed onto his fingers. Blood.

Derek screamed wordlessly.

He tore open the bag, pulling it down over her head.

Jacob gasped. "Oh my God!"

Derek felt tears slipping down his face as he pulled Wayde out of the bag and onto his lap.

Her head loyed against his chest, blood plasterd to her face and head.

Derek cradeled her like a child.

"I'm so sorry." He whispeared. "I'm so sorry Wayde, please forgive me. Please."

Jacob touched Wayde gently.

Derek pulled her even closer, trying to somehow get her to understand his sorrow.

The oracle gaurds around them formed a semi circle, all had removed their hats. They were shacking their heads, they couldn't belive it.

"Derek?" Jacob said softly.

Derek ignored him.

Again, "Derek. She's not dead, she is NOT dead!"

Derek surfaced from his dispare.

"What? WHAT!"

Derek, your mind is too scattered. Focus!"

Derek felt it, a weak...very weak pulse.

He laughed, joyussly, thankfully.

Jacob smiled. "It'll be allright. We just need to get her to the hospital."

Derek kept huging her to him right up until the ambulance itself arrived.


Derek and Jacob sat next to Wayde's hospital bed. She had made a full recovery, and now two weeks later, they were telling her who Cassandra was.

"She was mad." Derek stated. "And very powerful, she could have been Prime Oracle, if she hadn't run off three months before the old Prime Oracle had died."

Wayde shook her head. "I don't understand why she would hate me so much."

"Cassandra though she was Kate in the past lifetime. She thought that she was you Wayde, and so she wanted to kill you, for that lie."

Jacob nodded his head. "Defenitly a case for the nut house."

Wayde sat up a little more in her bed. "Your sure she's dead?"

"It seems to convient, but she fell off the cliff she threw you off, landed further down in the ravien. With a broken neck. I personally identified the body Wayde, she's not coming back."

"That's what she told me." Wayde whispeard. She looked up, eyes wide. "She said she would make sure I'd never come back ever again."

Derek handed her a glass of water.

Wayde smiled weakly, "I would like to have some real food and drink soon, I can't live on water and hospital food forever."

Derek smiled, a little sadly. "You'll be out of here in another three weeks or so."

Wayde looked up. "Three?!"

"They're running more tests." Jacob informed her.

Derek looked at Jacob and luckly Jacob took the hint.

"I'll wait for you outside Derek."

Derek turned his attention to Wayde. "You have something to say?"

"I...wanted to thank you again, for saving my life. Even though you were the one who's put it in danger...but that can't be helped I guess."

Derek stared. "What are you trying to say Wayde."

"You weren't the one who's been sending me the dreams are you?"

Derek shook his head.

Wayde glanced to the side, then back at him.

"Are memories of the past coming into my dreams?"

Derek thought about it, "It is possible. You could have some psychi potention in you Wayde. Most human beings do, perhaps you are begenning to harness your very own powers."

Wayde laughed. "I'd like to think so...but I wanted to ask you. Do you know how to stop them?"

"You don't like reliving our past together?"

Wayde shook her head. "Not when we don't have a future no."

Derek's eyes darkened. "Yes. I suppose so."

He stood up abruptly. "Well, This is good bye again. You've defenitly stated clearly enough, that you don't want to see me-"

"It's never been that Derek. I don't want to have you forcing me to do things against my will."

Derek frowned.

Wayde held out her hands. "What can I tell you Derek. You don't enjoy being ordered around by anyone, but you don't have a problem doing it to me...I..." Wayde paused. "In my dreams, you told me that you made me love you, when I made you realise something. If that makes any sense to you at'll understand why I can't be with you."

Derek opened his mouth to speak, but closed it. He didn't know what to say to that. Instead he nodded his head and left the hospital room.


Copyright 2000, Charmeye.