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Sophy awoke to find herself snuggling against her husbands chest! Afraid to wake him and discover to two of them in bed together she slowly tried to move off of him.

"There's no point Sophy. I'm already awake."

Sophy raised her head and glanced into James's dark blue eyes.

He smiled at her and reached a hand to touch a curl on her forhead.

Sophy felt her stomach do the strange fluttering again, just as it had last night. What was going on?

Sophy nervously glanced away and sat up in the bed.

"What wrong Sophy?" James asked.

Sophy couldn't belive her ears. What was wrong? She didn't have any idea what was happening around her that's what was wrong!

Less then 24 hours ago, James had left the house just as unconcerned about her as always. Suddenly, here he was actually concerend about her welfare. Was this how he made her sister become a slave to his will?

Sophy felt James touch her arm.

"Thoughts are flying across your face darling. What are you thinking?"

Sophy shock her head.

James sighed and got off the bed. "Very well Sophy. Remaine silent if that is what you wish. But I'm willing to give this marriage a chance, however, that could be a problem if you don't talk to me."

Smiling James reached over and toussled her hair. "You look like a rag-doll in disarray."

With that parting comment, James left her bedroom through the connecting door and went into his.

Sophy smothed down her hair.

What had happened last night to change James so much?