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A Psychic Spell Box:

a blessed and consecrated box (small wooden box, cigar box, craft box ect)

-1 large bowl
-1/4 cup lemon grass
-1tsp.whole cloves
-1 tsp. nutmeg, ground
-1tsp. orange peel, dried
-3 small polished aquamarine
-1 small polished citrine
-1 small quartz crystal
-1 small bottle of rain water (tightly capped)
-1 blue candle

Mix the herbs together into the bowl, smell them, meditate with them for a couple of minutes as you stir them together with your fingers. As you do chant...

"Herb and seed and flower
Lend to me your psychic power."

Add them to you box.

Next hold the stones in your hands, visualize and center as you chant...

"Moon light, Moon bright
Waterfalls of trembling white
Mirrors of the unseen plain,
in my visions I shall gain."

Place them in with the herbs.

Finally do the same with the bottle of water chanting...

"Dew and rain,fog and sea
Awaken psychic energy
this is my will, so mote it be"

Place it in the box with all the other stuff.

Charge the blue candle. Let it burn for 9 minutes in front of the "open" spell box. Close the lid of the spell box. Burn the candle before the spell box every day for nine minutes until the candle is gone. Whenever you have need of the box to help enhance your psychic powers or dreams just place a blue candle in front of it, open the lid and slowly chant....

"Conscious mind...
Is now blind.....
Psychic mind...
Is now mine...."