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11.6.45 / Stereopathetic Soulmanure 1994

It's, uh, November 6th, 1945, and we...
...went up to, and uh, back to the house and watched MTV...
 ...and playin' Pac-Man.
It's all really gross and all the kids were diseased.
Giant airplanes, uh, crashing underneath...
...electro-magnetic fuse...guys with flamethrowers...melting.
Taco trucks were crashed.
There was sausage meat all over the...
Sasquatch was eating a burrito.

8.4.82 / Stereopathetic Soulmanure 1994

Today's, uh, August 4th, 1982.
I'm really bored and there was some dead animals that we played with.
There was a Weed-Wacker...we stole two of them.
A cop car was on fire.
My friend Scott, he was running and he, uh, slipped on a Twinkie.
And his nose was covered with blood...
The security helicopter shot a spotlight...
Somebody pulled their pants d...

8.6.82 / Stereopathetic Soulmanure 1994

It's August 6th, 1982.
And uh, we were jammin' over at the house.
My pants caught on fire.
We were smokin' a lotta... whiskey, and uh, chicken.
And uh, got some food and...
I got some food and came home and got a call, uh...
No wait, I got some calls then, uh, came home, then I got some food.
Came home, got some food and then :::cough::: got some calls, uh...
Couldn't find the fridge for a while and...
Wait, first we couldn't...we got the food and then...
No wait, first we had the fridge.

.000.000 / Devil's Haircut UK Single 1996

I've seen your place before, I've tread thid field ???
I bought a plastic light, my separate ceiling blade
my city to the scope, my ???? spokes
my ????
but she'll never never know
my ?? has a ???

I come from lots of????
my very modest tricks
my pricks and belly rose (?)
my operation blows
my big pollution grows
I never spoke of flood
my ?????

(AAARRGGHH!!! Okay, I give up for now; this may not be right, but at least I tried!
I'm sure it will all come to me in a dream one night with
a man on a flaming pie clearly spouting the words to this
song. I'll get back with you.....Deborah)

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