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My All Time BestFriend's--InFoRamma

Describe underwater Swimming and you will have Described the Flight of Birds!- Leonardo Da Vinci


Katie Is my absolute bestfriend, I call her Jeans, Kitty Kat, and other names I shouldn't say, but it's all in fun, don't worry she calls me them as well. She helped me to start out with this page, my first page.

Katie is 18 as of March '01, she as a boyfriend who is not always on my good side but he's ok, his name is Sheldon (16). She orginally moved here from Oregon our sixth grade year, and by the way, we are about to GRADUATE May 20th 'O1. She has Long strawberry blone hair, blue eyes. She's awesome you should met her!

Katie is into FALCONRY, and for you people who don't know what Falconry is, it is a sport where in you hunt grouse, ducks...ect, with Falcon's (Duh!). Katie herself has only one Falcon, she used to have a falcon named Blair (she didn't die). She use to have other one but he died last year(99) in December, her first bird (Doree) just 8 days after her dads bird Gab died. All together her and her parents have about 5 falcons, and 4 dogs. I will type more as I go!