Marilyn Manson is a public figure that can reach both young and old in today's society. He is also one of the only public figures today that can effectively reach Americas youth. Manson promotes abstinence (by removing lower ribs he shows America that you don't need others to be satisfied sexually) He also highly promotes indevidualism. He also tries his best to make religion an important factor in everyday life ( Manson takes his devil worshiping very seriously)
Manson plans to give food and Jack Daniels to the malnourished and will provide oijie-boards for the spiritually retarded
Manson plans to balance the budget and make sure them stupid ass democrats don't take our fuckin'g guns away.
Other wanna-b presidents use stupid ass sayings like "for your future" " vote for me" " the new rule" for Manson we simply say "Manson kicks ass"
Manson's campaign is supported both financially and systematically by J&G Thank you for your time!!!!