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Dolfins a gift from Samuel

Excuse me for butting in on the links fun your having. I have something to tell ya.
I'm pretty new to the net and Puters all together. These links are for me, I use them all the time when looking for help. I love playing with html and
making a mess of space on the net. My favorite place to build is Ancientsites, its a cybersite, there are many like it.. one I won't mention but I did
my homework and built it up to my satisfaction, Put many stories and uploaded many gifs, midis, pictures and so on.. took my time and organized the best I knew how one day I go to the site and find that everyone of my links and stories and pictures are gone.. DEAD links Broken wall paper, NO Files or folders left what-so-ever as If I had never done a thing. boy was I freaking out.. I went to complain and tell everyone I knew about my Demise.. I got no sympathy.. except from good friends who couldn't do anything about it anyway But One new friend Knew just what I needed and promised me a story. I'm over my anger now thanks to Him and I wanted to share with you what he wrote for me to read. Thank You, Valius Servilius. *hugs*
Your new friend (weather ya want me or not, Arial Caecilius
WOW - Am I Late... Posters for the Brass

     Salve Arial,
                        You poor thing!
                           He says as Ron thinks...   Wha?                                           
             I'll never forget my Friend Ron           called me and said, "I'm thinking about getting a you want to go and get one too"?    I said, "What are you going to use it for..."?

           Well,   that was in 1969,    before such things as monitors and hard drives.   People used punch cards for output and input.   I thought about it and told him that I wanted to read a little more about them before getting one.    We went out and both bought lots of         instead.

    Several years went by before Tandy, a Texas based company anounced that they would be selling a Model I which would hook up to your TV.     Commadore announced the Commadore "Pet" which had it's own self contained screened monitor.   After talking about it for a couple of months, Ron and I decided it was time.   He picked me up and drove to "Radio Shack".    We each bought computers.

             After getting my computer home Saturday evening I sat down to see what it was all about.    The next morning Sunday, my         though green with envy, brought me coffee.    For the next two days she brought me coffee.    I had not gone to work.           I had not slept.   I was hooked.

             Then on Tuesday evening when my wife got home, I announced to her, "I had finally found someone that understands me".   What a dumb move. She stopped bringing me coffee.        What's that bomb for dear?

             She did let me show her what I had produced.    It was an American flag that took up the first 3/4 of the black and white screen , with little stick figures across the bottom that alternately jumped up and down as the flag appeared to wave.   That was quite a feat when you consider that in those days, each of eight pixels had to be turned off or on to form each letter or graphic spot.   That meant to get 1 screen of graphics, you had to set 80x8x24 pixels separately.    That's 15,360 pixels to either turn on or off for each screen.    Then to make the graphics move, I needed 4 pages or 61,440 pixels either on or off.  Then I promptly went to bed. 

             This is when it happened!   Everyone said that there was a       outage for about 2 hours in the neighborhood.    What did I know about BACKING UP stuff?
                                                                                                                 No No No No...NO NO NO!!!!!!  

   Can't you do it again dear?    NO-NO-NO-NO!!!   Leave me alone!    It's gone!

             I could never redo my 1st - it just couldn't be the 1st again.    I think I was lucky in a way that it happened to me early.    I'm known today as Mr. Back-up       If you Hiccup, I'll back it up.

             The real lesson is in all of the time since then, I've never AGAIN lost a file that wasn't backed up but, I have had more than 30 computers and have lost whole hard drives due to crashes.    I once wiped out my whole hard drive accidently.    I then told myself that I needed to redo my drives anyway.   Every time I think I can never make it that good again, it gets better.    I realize now that most of the fun is in the making, so whenever I have to do something over again, I get to enjoy it all over again and it comes out better.    When people ask me why I spend so much time doing things for other people, I tell them that I take the opportunity to do the favor for a person so that I CAN GET THE PLEASURE OUT OF DOING THE FUN!    I'm really doing something for talk to that       and tell me how we can help too and let's make it better!

             I'm pretty good at graphics, including original work if a person can tell me what they need.   I also know how to find stuff on the WWW and the Net really well!  

Valius Servilius


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