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This is the CannonBall While digging at the Wyandotte construction site, someone found this cannonball, and instead of putting it somewhere safe to keep for his own, the guy put it on top of a post and continued with his work. Pat found the cannonball on the post and quickly secured it into his lunchbox. Brought it home and started investigating on line to find out more about it. Mean time I chat at ancient sites alternative site. A good friend of mine that goes there is an Archeolegist sp? and he wants me to let the Historical people know about the ball as soon as the Job is over for Pat. He would like me to do it now but I told him the construction people would just freak if the job was put on hold. Most historical digs lose on that sorta fight, but I sure don't want to be the one that starts something. I don't want to let on about the cannonball while he is still digging and working at the site. Besides, Wyandotte museum already has their fair share of Cannonballs, I have seen them :-)