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Ghost Busting

Had I known work was going to be so much fun, I would've started years ago. Last week or so, I over heard a young tray passer crying to the boss, "I'm not going back up there" says she. "It's OK, you don't have to go that route, just go the other way around, someone just showed you that way because it's a short cut back to the kitchen."

Hum? "What's this all about?" So I asked coworker Mary, "why does that girl cry? "What's she so afraid of?" "I don't know" says Mary, maybe its a ghost? I giggle, oh, She says, No really, hasn't anyone ever mentioned that to you before? "Have you seen a ghost?" I asked, "No, just heard a lot about them"....... "THEM?"

Next day, " Mark?" Have you seen a ghost here in the hospital? "No...well I did see a picture of a ghost." "Really?" "Who has a picture?"... "Edward has it"

Next day: "Edward... do you have a picture of a ghost here?" "How did that come about?"

Well, as many of us know, ******** Hospital is 75 years old this year 2001 and the old building is still intact at the back. But a large area of the old building is condemned and not in use. Yet still connected and working lights and elevators.

Some day will be torn down, Edward decides he wants a picture of the old Main entrance where a wonderful carving of an Indian head is There are five floors of the old building, and as he looked through his viewfinder he sees in the window at the fourth floor, a woman in a hospital gown looking out. *Snap* he gets that photo... er so they say, I have not seen it yet.

I continue my interviews with the oldsters of the hospital and it seems they all know about this ghost, or ghosts because the stories are many and different, so for the believers of such things, it seems there are more than one.

Fourth floor was for operating. One side of the building had no need for windows, and I guess the other side was offices or something, because from the outside there I see some windows. Although I'm still a bit disorientated and Not real sure when looking from the outside.

Ask Annie Smith, many tell me. She has seen and dealt with said ghosts here at the hospital.

So I did and when I mentioned it she did turn a bit white in the face and took a deep breath and asked me if I really wanted to know. Most certainly I do, sheeeeeeesh lets hear it.

It seems Annie thinks this ghost has attacked her with food carts (forgive me whilst I giggle again here) He nearly broke her ribs she told me and most sincerely she is while telling me her horror.

I'll tell you the fun I been having.

I won't let the questions rest, I want to get to the bottom of this, and still very skeptical, each day at lunch and breaks our table gets fuller, it seems everyone wants to tell their experiences with said ghost.

Finally, yesterday, Mary asks me if I want to go up to the fourth floor and investigate. YEAH sure I do.

She thinks about it for the afternoon and then invites Jill to come along, next Edward gets an invite too.

Our work is complete early, so we take off to the said haunted elevator (seems it opens for no apparent reason) It is said that the ghost wants up or down or out or something.

This elevator is rickety and used only for cart transport, the floors it covers only go to five. Supposedly empty there. er Of Humans as we like to know anyway.

We enter the elevator and Edward hits the 4 button. The door closes and we watch the numbers at the top of the door go up. Two...Three...Four. We are there, the door opens and good, lights are on, but its quiet and strangely very very cold. We step out ...............................

The hall is so cold that in unison we all comment on that fact. The Elevator was sorta set back from the hall, in it's own little cubby, so we couldn't just peek out. We had to step out, at least five steps to see to the left and right of the long hall. Leading left was pretty much a dead end, but the right was several yards before it turned, so we couldn't see what was ahead of us, beyond that turn anyway.

It's kind of funny how during the ride up the elevator, we were sorta joking and talking all at once, until the door opened to that floor. Sudden silence fell over us as we all pretended to be brave. Much to our surprise it was well lit, Meaning not really any windows but all the lights were on heading toward the right.

Edward takes the lead. His pace was fast and we all made sure to keep up with him For a guy who believes in ghosts, he sure didn't seem frightened to walk the empty halls. Well, ... so we thought they were empty.

Strange, we all thought the same, about why in the world would all the lights be on? Not that I am complaining mind you, It seemed that most all the doors to rooms were closed. It's funny how none of us made the move to check a door knob, we just passed the closed doors, probably feeling somewhat lucky that they were closed. We turned the corner of the first hall, and Much to our amazement we couldn't believe what we saw............... Part two