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I'll bet your thinking we saw some sorta entity.

Well, no, we saw the long hall in a huge dissary. Almost as if vandals had been there tearing things up. The hall way was nearly impassable. There were papers and pieces of metal of some sort, like parts of hospital beds and other equipment, all over the floors. Gurneys and odd this and that chairs stacked up, or just in the middle of the hall. Broken pieces of wood sorta looked like from the inside of a desk drawer or something, laid on the floor as we stepped over that I suggested someone pick it up for defense in maybe stabbing the ghost in the heart. Oh that's for vampires, I remember. We left things as they were and continued on our quest.

Now we are passing rooms that have their doors open. Still all lights are on everywhere, all a bit afraid of entering into any rooms, we just sorta peer in. One room was most definitely an operating room, the table was there and still broken parts of some sorta equipment laying about the floor, One Light at the ceiling was flickering, Mary pointed that out. I said it's just the tube about to burn out most likely, and it's nothing like a ghost might do, er?

Total quiet, none of us really speaking at all, just looking into rooms whose doors were open. Some had small windows we could see into. One room had Christmas decorations stored in it, Not a very neat way to store them I might add.

Why are all these lights on? I kept wondering and asking out loud. We at last get to the end of the hall and there is one window. Next to it was a roll of paper hanging. You know like the paper a DR has on his table for you to lay on. "Well" I say, since we found no ghost here today, Lets make one of our own. I tore off a long piece of the paper and drew on a big Smiley face, oh but he was not smiling, I made his mouth in a big O with my Black marker pen I keep in my pocket. Then I tried to hang it on the window so when people looked up, it maybe would wave in the ghostly breeze and scare them people who see it.

I couldn't get it to stick, so Sue went into the operating room and found a post-it note paper. And we stuck it onto the window, thinking it probably wouldn't hold the weight of the long piece of paper , ( I took enough to cover the entire length of the window.) It wasn't as wide as the window though, oh I'd say about a few inches narrower than the window at each side. Anyway, we giggled and headed back to the elevator. Now all of us a bit more relaxed, Jill starts getting silly and suggests we play operation, or hide & seek. Not noticing on the way through the first time, I now see a bible just sitting on the end of a gurney, in the hall. No one mentioned it. We just hurried back to get the heck out of there. Back at the elevator, it seems like an eternity before the door opens for us to escape this horror. er oh ... That's right, we didn't see anything today. Sue mentioned while we waited for the elevator to arrive, that tomorrow we will bring tape. We were also in agreement that this would have been much harder if the lights weren't on and next visit we should be more careful and have a flashlight ... You know, just in case.........

We left work that day, and as we walked out toward the parking lot, each of us gazed up to the window. We saw nothing, Yes as if we had not even been there, not even the light shined through. How odd. OK perhaps the sticky-post-it note didn't stick, but why didn't lights shine? We could see clearly in the window the next floor down, well we could see something, like a wall or light fixture or something, I don't remember what I saw I guess. But the floor above it, where we were, was dark as night. I must remind you our first ghost hunt happened during the day light hours.

That night I told my sons girlfriend about what we did. So her and I took a drive over there to look at the window again, And sure nuff, yup, we were there because We saw the image of the paper hanging anyway, seems the window is tinted and you can see out but not in during the day time. Couldn't see the face I drew on it though. But if that's true? Then why could we see into the floors below?


So tomorrow is another weekend day and we don't have to worry about any supervisors around to tell us we aren't allowed up more quests to come.

I asked Edward what makes him such a believer, since I still haven't seen his picture he claims to have. He told me that he was on the second floor bringing down dirty dish carts, the halls were empty, even though this floor does have patients on it. Certain times of day its very quiet in certain halls where the workers can go, not visitors though. Anyway, he heard a ladies high heels foot steps behind him. he turned to see who was coming. No one. So he walked a bit further and heard the foot steps again, he turned quickly and still saw nothing. He heard the sound while looking in that direction. He left his carts and ran.

Had to send someone else up to retrieve the carts, but who ever went for them didn't see or hear nothing. Isn't that how it always happens anyway? Yeah I think so too. Ghosts want us to look like we're crazy.

But so far I'm not crazy, just interested. I haven't seen anything yet. Last part