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Next morning, I arrive for work the usual time, five fifteen AM. It's still very dark. But the tray line workers are trickling in. Only one lady sitting at the desk and one in the kitchen are there before we arrive for starters, so that time of day is very quiet.

Annie is working today and so is Rose (no, not my daughter). Right away we tell them about our curiosity and adventure to the forth floor. Rose is excited to go with us after work today, Annie, on the other hand tells us we shouldn't go "Do you want to have nightmares?" No, I don't think I can go up there, *shaking her head* no no I can't do it. When we see Edward, he tells us yes, he is still going, and he invited Pete and Kevin.

Annie must have thought about it all day because after work she suddenly decides to go with us. Since "Huge Kevin" was going to be there too. I guess she figured maybe a big guy would scare the ghost. I dunno really what changed her mind.

Our lunch table that holds eight people in comfort, now has 12 and some others come and stand to listen to the stories. How can so many be believers? I suppose if I had ever seen a ghost in my life, I just didn't notice it, I'm a day dreamer, many things pass by me and I don't notice.

Cora is a quiet lady, who mostly just sits and listens, sometimes she may mumble something under her breath. She's the one who told me to ask Annie, but at the time, I thought she too, was a skeptic. I don't know her religion but she did mention to us all, that if things like that bother us we should just say a prayer.

Did I mention Annie's story about the ghost who pushed the heavy food cart into her and tried to kill her? I guess she had bruises on her hip, but that's the only details she gave me, so I don't know if the ghost spoke to her, er... maybe complaining bout the food or something? Well, there just wasn't enough detail in my opinion anyway. But she does believe what she tells me so I have to respect that anyway. She has talked about her brush with ghosts off site too. I can't decide if that's just a vivid imagination, one that instills so much fear that the ghost believer truly sees and hears what they say they see and hear. Or just think they saw and heard what they say they saw and heard. Sorry, but it all makes perfect sense to me.

Work is done and we all meet in the hall and head toward the service elevator, I don't think service elevators are posted as such, they are just sorta alone and off the beaten path of the main hospital. Edward seems to be the button operator, I notice he holds the five button longer than needed, and sort of tapping it. I wonder in my mind if he's just trying to make the door open and close to give us all a little fright or something. I was the last to step on and was a bit afraid of the rickety old elevator was going to hold us all, they're eight of us now.

This trip up was different from the one the day before. No chatter, No joking around, Annie was complaining about how she wondered why she was even there. FIVE, we are there and all step out, there's no cold feeling like we had on four. We look both ways to try and decide which way to go first and one end of the hall was lit up and the other had its lights out. Everyone sorta automatically headed toward the Lighted area when I said "I think we should go in the dark," funny how everyone just turned around and headed into the dark hall. And Annie was leading the pack. we get to the end and a double door was closed and she was unlike us yesterday, when we didn't bother trying door knobs, well she opened it. Much to our surprise there was light, it looked like some sorta huge office and a voice called out "May I help you?" it was a ladies voice, but I didn't really see her, Annie let the door go and the fellas all said in Unison "Sorry, we went the wrong way" So instead of heading toward the lit end of the hall we all headed to the elevator.

Annie complained that Now she was in trouble cuz the lady saw her and she probably wasn't supposed to even be in that area. She figured she would be "Written up." She is always mentioning about getting written up. I my self would like to meet the person who writes others up. I'm no child you understand, I figure if I do something wrong why don't they just confront me and we fix the problem then and there. I'm a fairly open person and willing to take creative and constructive criticism.

Well, I never saw any signs saying "Do not enter" or anything like that, but because of our big crowd of ghost busters I really didn't see the lady and I'm not sure any of us did, except for Betty. So we Joked and told her it was the ghost, because that part of the building was supposed to be uninhabited. um is that the right word? heheheheheh

Well, we all get into the elevator and go to the forth floor instead. The halls were cleaned! Just a few gurneys were left sitting in the hall, we all wondered who the heck would have done that? Housekeepers and engineers don't work at night? Hum, well since Ron and Kyle hadn't been there before, they were still interested and we all headed to the very end, but before getting there Annie and Mary turned around without saying anything to the rest of us and I just thought they were going to look into a room that was open.

Everyone sorta spread out this time. Going into various rooms and just looking at stuff, I found myself in the hall alone. But soon enough I run into the fellas commenting on this and that, medical equipment. I guess I wasn't really paying much attention about what they were saying. That bible, it was still sitting on the end of some sorta examining table, the same place it was yesterday, still no one mentioned it.

Rose reappears and in her excitement she tells us there are two old ladies near the elevator, I thought, yeah sure she sees these things when no one else is with her. She explained that she was thinking that Annie and Mary were exploring and would be back so she hid and was going to pop out and give them a scare. So when she heard the foot steps getting near, she poked her head from around the corner! And there they were, the two old ladies, one said "are you lost too?" Rose directed them back to the elevator. OK well no ghosts this time around, perhaps they don't like crowds.

We all decide to take this long hall that was built in the 70's for transport from the old to the new part of the building, its like a cat walk. No one uses it anymore and it is the short cut to the kitchen from where patients stay, That young traypasser musta been talking about this area. We took a walk down that hall and there were a few windows that over look our break area outside, we see thats where Annie and Mary went, they were looking quite calm, sitting out there at a table.

Nothing here, we turn around and head back down to sit with Annie & Mary. I asked Mary why she left? Was it because she was escorting Betty down cuz she was so afraid? Mary said "I don't know, something just didn't feel right, did you see that bible? What is that doing there? I touched it, then suddenly I just had to get out of there. It was just creepy, but I don't know what it was, but for sure I'm not going back."

Oh Gads! We have lost one ghost buster! Rose says we should come to work a little early and go up in the morning. "No way!" says Jill. But Jill? We aren't going to see any ghosts during the day, if you want to see a ghost, you gotta go looking when they are awake! Tomorrow is Labor Day and no supervisors will be around, they scheduled extra workers so we would have an easy day. So it looks like we will have plenty of time to mess with the ghosts.

I am still skeptic, but I did bring my little flash light, I don't think no one likes being in a dark place, well if we could only find a dark place that is. Five AM is still dark. OK I'm willing to get there a bit early.......................

Much to my amazement It seemed I was the only one who arrived early the next day. The halls were quiet and well lit, so I had to just go about my morning business and get me some coffee from the break room. By the time I got back to the trayline area, the rest of the crew was arriving.

No one even mentioned taking that walk in the dark upstairs, I really didn't get what the deal was. We just went on working, said our good mornings and that was all that happened. Finally, I asked Rose; "I thought we were all going to meet early today and ghost bust?" Well; " says she" I was here early.. And that was pretty much that. At break time I asked everyone what happened? Why the sudden change of heart?

Mary said "I'm not going back up there." Jill said "I'm not either, she never explained why, but Mary said " did you notice that bible up there? She continued "I don't know exactly why, but I had this real creepy feeling, I don't know what it was but I just had to get out of there! Hummmmm? Same thing she said yesterday. I just don't get it. For goodness sakes? Seems my followers have all lost interest! This is most annoying. Or I should call them my back up crew. I don't want to go up there investigating all alone. Not that I'm frightened mind you, but being alone and I get caught, I would stammer about er well why am I here? Besides what about the "Written up thingy?"

Annie commented that she had no clue as to why she even went and now was scared to death that something bad would probably happen. She says bad things always happen when u encounter ghosts. This whole deal is disheartening for me, Now I feel I'll never get to the bottom of this. Has all this concern about ghosts been for nothing? The ghost stories started to slow down for that day but later I did see Edward, Kevin, and Pete all come down from that elevator. They didn't say anything to us because we were a long way down the hall from them. They just walked back to the dish room going about their business, Nothing seemed "un" normal or anything.

I left work that day, a bit perplexed on why the heck all of a sudden the lost of interest. But the next day at work we told Mark and he said it sounded like fun. Thats as far as that went with him though. Our commander said her husband had some ghost stories to tell, and later at break time I did see him and she asked him to tell me about the ghosts. He seems terribly uninterested and just said yup they're up there alright, they are all over the hospital. I asked exactly what it is that he has seen and he said just smoky like entities or something floating and sounds... lots of sounds... The man just wouldn't elaborate!!

I'm so sorry to disappoint you and have no exciting end to this story. heheheheheh DOH!!!
