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Photo Album From Long ago

Great-Great-GreatGrandparents or something like that

Information here written 1999 Thomas & Rachel (Ayres, as the story is told)

Gracies dads mothers Parents

My cousin twice removed wrote and sent me this picture. Yes it is hard to tell Thomas from Rachel. In fact this picture hung in the pantry at my grandmother's for years and all of us young kids were a little afraid of it if that makes any sense. Grandmother told me which was which and I was surprised at what she said. I do not remember now so take your pick of which one you want to be Thomas ha!. Thomas Ayres was born 18 august 1820 and died 7 february1899. Rachel was born19 august 1826 in Gladesboro,Carroll Co,Virginia and died 18 may 1905. They were married in 1844.

Gracie and her sister Elsie

Grace Allen way back when
Grace on the left - Grandad holding Billy - Sam in front of grandad, Louise in the center - Ruth on the front left

William Anderson Allen and Jathinie Adeline Allen Gracies Parents