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Possible wedding Places.2003 This is um oh, I forget the name of the place but its the park near the new golf course where we did our family pictures with Alicia. The Gazebo is the place where a wedding can take place on the Detroit River in Wyandotte. The City sets chairs up somehow I dont know yet I would have to contact wyandotte recreation and get the details.. I should think i'd need a date to reserve the site. But then how do we also reserve a hall for a party after wards on the same day.. Believe me I have no clue how it all works out in the end. Anyway this is just one possibility of a Wedding site. SO sorry I'm not so good with all this. I think being so close to home is a grand idea. Love you young sweethearts!! xoxoxoxo Mom

Elizabeth Park, Here we can't have a reception but the bridge and its out doors is a possible wedding spot. CLose up though you can see the bridge is in need of repair and the stairs r someone broken in areas. Plus it would mean driving to a different place for the reception

Riverview Highlands, Extremely close to my Home, the Mountain view and golf course looks nice from the side and back of this building. Me and Sarah visited and took these photos, but a wedding was taking place so we didnt get too close, Between the chapel and reception hall is a small patio with a couple of tables and then a small grassy area also with nice benches and a few tables for those who want to hang around outside i suppose. they would be very comfortable

here r some pics we took like the entry into the parking lot and the front of the building. THe side of the Chapel that u see in the photo is as close as we could get but the other side of it is where The party happens, We did peek inside the chapel and its clean pretty and had about 50 chairs ,, very Intimate where all could hear and see what was going on. We really want to check into this place. I believe wedding also can be held outside instead of in the chapel but I am not really sure of that.

Here is the Park In Taylor