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What is This?

Letters to Answer my Questions

As for your questions; I think you saw Mt. Adams. Here is a site about the Cascade range that may help you identify it for sure: Cascade Range I don't know where the circles are, but I'd guess they are probably formed from crop irrigation. There is likely a sprinkler in the center of each circle that just rotates constantly. This is just a guess though, so I could be way off. I have no clue what river that is, sorry.

I have an answer to one of your questions. The picture with all the green circles- you could have been in Nevada or one of the Dakotas. The circles are huge fields. An irrigation system called a pivot sits in the middle of the field and is anchored there. It has this arm that goes out I don't know how far with sprinklers on it that travels around on little tracks in a circle- like a compass. Only the parts that get hit with water are green so it makes a green circle. My brother has a ranch in Nevada where he grows alfalfa and he uses pivots like this.(that's how I know)

I enjoyed your flying story very much even though flying doesn't bother me at all. I can't identify any of the formations, especially those green circles. Can't imagine what they are. I really liked your artwork. You draw even better than I do!

The pictures from the airplane looked really good. The mountain picture looks like it is Mt. Rainier. The green circles are crops with circular irrigation sprinklers. Sorry, but I'm not sure about the river.

Oh those are the alien Crop circles!

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