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The main people in this story

Master Chef



Date: May 11, 2000
Let me try something.
leave this space alone..
The story will never end me thinks.
Now who's pissed?
Will the cabin still be standing when we return?
What about a building permit?
What was that forest fire all about?
Don't think for a minute that you should blame the fellas

A different sort of camping

Memorial day week end came and left before we knew what hit us. Nailbender had the plan to go to the camp up north with his two brothers and tear the place down and ready it for a new and spider free building for us to enjoy. Well Nail being the only carpenter in the bunch decided he'd be foreman. Brother Master Chef & The Comedian were going to be the laboures. They talked and made plans on how this would be done way before the actual day came up. Then when it was time to go, Nailbender got called to work, He's been off for so long that there was no way he could refuse the job. So Master Chef and Comedian went with a few of Chefs friends..

But from what I heard, I suppose I'm lucky to have NOT been there. It is just a two room log cabin but never the less, they used crow bars and man power and come-a-long and a pickup truck to get the job done..

The fellas are pretty cheap, so didn't want to hire a dumpster to haul out the remains of the building.. THEY BURNT THE WHOLE CABIN right there next to the spot it once stood, It took 4 full days of constant bon fire and I mean a HUGE bon fire! The ashes stood six Feet tall. I have yet spoken to The Comedian, They kept the carport area and put temporary walls around it for storeing the stoves and cabinets & fridge and stuff.. Now things seem to be moving a bit on this project but NOW Nailbender cannot take time off work to go up and build, I'm not sure his brothers get it. They want his help too and I don't blame them one bit!

Camp torn down

The story Unfolds

Now it's 4th of July week and again, Nail couldn't go, He at last was called to go back to work, His vacation was over. I'm sure his brothers were freaking out, Nail not there to suffer what was about to happen. Things are moving now, The lumber is on order.

Most of the gang is all here

Cousin Tim was expecting the fellas to arrive anytime soon. He did his best to arrange for an electrician to come to the camp and remove the box from the cabin. First plan was to get any wires outta the way, chop down an annoying tree that was in the way. and last but not least, knock the whole dern camp down. It was rotted, most all the logs near the bottom, and the inside floor was nothing but sawdust it seemed.

Plan is to keep the carport, well ok, that's what we called it but it really can't keep a car there, it's mainly used for the picnic table and it's attached to the cabins front.

I wasn't there but The Comedian was and he has told me the story, so I'll just retell it the way I understand it happening.

Later when he reads this I'm sure he'll help correct me in any misinformation I may be passing out.

Day one: The Comedian & Master Chef & Cousin Tim, and John, a friend of Master Chefs' who happened to be an electrician.

Started to rip the camp apart and throw logs onto the pit fire out near the lake about 40 yards away. The building had some things inside such as, a refrigerator, two cast iron stoves one for each room in the camp. A trundle bed, a dresser filled with towels and blankets and cupboards filled with random mismatched dishes and pots & pans.

The cabin wasn't very tall at all, I can reach the roof without a ladder and we can boost up to get on top. Crow bar in hand and the fellas starting beating the building down. I'm thinking they should have had a comealong to make things easier. who knows maybe they did for taking the chimneys down anyway. They only had 4 days to get the job done.

This camp you see is 600 miles away from our homes so it's nothing we visit very often... each family visits one week per year is all.. so it's used three weeks per year Maybe four weeks, Probably The Master Chef goes up much more than the rest of us.

The fellas are pretty pissed off at Nailbender because he is part owner and not going to be there for the tear down, they did not want to wait till he could go too.

Burning logs in the fire pit for four days and nights.. they (I'm ashamed to admit) burnt everything including the shingles. The Pit had 8 foot flames bellowing up and above the trees were ashes and soot.

When they left the site to come back home, nothing left but the floor of the cabin... they had asked Cousin Tim to come back and check the embers and douse them out if necessary.

A fire broke out on Pine Lake that week ,, Uncle Pancho was nearly burnt out of his home. Don't worry this fire was on the other side of the Lake. no where near our Cabin Bon Fire. So they say anyway.

Some time later On the Fourth of July week the fellas went back to start their building again. Nail couldn't go. This time The Comedian drove him self and was a day earlier than Master Chef, who also was bringing his son Mini Master Chef and friend who happens to be 77 years old who happened to fall off the wagon cuz he drank *too many Martoonies * so he kept calling them.

Uncle Herbie and Wife Kathy arrived a day or two later. Some of the rest of the family was going up too. Being a holiday and all they wanted some fun in the sun. So even Gram's and her sister went.

Day one: The Comedian arrives early in the evening (it's a 12 hour drive) he sets up his tent and ready to go to sleep (time 9:00 PM) in hopes for an early start when his brothers would arrive but instead his cousin meets him at the camp. "Comedian!," He advises, "the brush over there, and the floor all has to be gotten rid of, the truck with several loads of sand will arrive at 8 am tomorrow." The Comedian, having driven all that way alone was ready for bed, but decided he needed to burn the brush and get the last logs and floor out of the ground. I'm not sure that he even had a sledge hammer. But somehow he started working and burning and hammering and digging.

Then the thunder began and it was dark, and he was surrounded by lightning and the rain came falling down and it was not good.

Time: 2:00 am .. yes it took him till 2 am to get nearly done and he was tired and he decided to rest for a couple hours, the last foot or so of cement floor would have to wait he figured he's get a couple hours sleep and get up to finish the job, the rain was bothering him anyway. The bomb fire was 20 feet high (so he says) and he went into his tent when all of a sudden the wind began to blow. It blew hard and flames were coming his way. He looked out and saw the fire going out of control the wind would have surely directed it towards the woods, so he grabbed a bucket and scooped water from the near lake and tossed it onto the fire. this was a big fire so he had to do that about 50 times .... A bit too late. his tent was burning... It didn't burn completely down though,, just a hole large enough for bats to come in.

Time: 4:00 am The Comedian being alone and tired .. the fire now under control, went to sleep .. wet cold and extremely exausted.

Time: 6:00 am he gets up and continues the job the truck arrives and dumps the sand and says they will be back in a short while with the next load. The Comedian works like a mad man trying to get the cement outta the way.. at last done.. second load arrives and its all piled up on one end where it needs to be.. Cousin Tim said he would come later to spread it with his cat.. so The Comedian sits on the chair, trying to catch his breath and waits, feeling sick from the cold and rain and no sleep he waits, in a daze.........when. At last the fello helpers arrive...

Having had about one hours sleep he is exhausted and Master Chef hollers "What the hell you been doing?" "Why aren't you spreading this sand?" ....but but but ......"Says The Comedian." Tim will arrive soon and Cat the sand around."..."We have no time for waiting." They shout in unison, Grab A Hoe and get going.....The Comedian, Having no energy to argue grabs a hoe ................. continueing saga (still incomplete needs work)