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My Virtual Photo Album

Thats the tracks full of water

This would be Marilynn, Wanda, Vicki, Sammie, & Rose

Pam Jones Ice Skateing in her back yard and Robin Jones in the bonnet

Ice Skates In the Field

Im again confused who is on the top row right? Pat Mcfarland on the left then Rose then Linda then I don't know and In front Is Vicki Miller and Jennifer Jones


Sammies birthday party sleep over at Grandmothers house In back row is Peggy Pesnecker<~sp? & Linda Cartrette, In front is Pam Jones, Sammie Martin RoseAnne Shimatz and I dont know girl on front right.

Gene, Jan, Robin

Vicki Miller and Linda Cartrette

Easter Maybe around 1956. I just embeded My photo with Marilyns & Rose so U see Sammie, Wanda, Glenn, Marilyn, & Rose. Now after all these years, I sorta remember the hats Sammie and I had.. I swear now that I think about it.. they might very well have been stiffened Doilies.. and I mean really hardened big time, they were like plates on our heads.. Why does Rose and Marilynn get to wear Nylons? Is that Nylons? I'm not sure.

Favorite Climbing Tree

Tony Akins (sorry I forget how his name was spelt)