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Greetings and welcome to my world, I am an Independant Legit and Friendly fair player. I share, and Mainly I probably talk too much, I spend more time in town Yaking it up with who ever will listen!!

Things you can say & do while chatting and playing Diablo

If you're a Warrior talking to a Rogue *Nice ass* is perfectly ok If your shopping in town it's exceptable to say *Lets go down* A common saying when playing the game is *Now your going to die* When you find yourself short on cash it's alright to just ask strangers for gold It's ok to cross dress, as a matter of fact it's expected Give me stuff, I need stuff , and I lost my stuff isn't what you might think
Getting robbed is a daily activity, the authorities are never contacted , just hit men
Sometimes a conversation might go like this:some names have been changed to protect the not so innocent....*giggles*

Gandalf: How Are you this fine day Ms. Frodo?

Ms.Frodo: Ooooh it's been terrible, I have lost all, I am again naked.

Gandalf: Well, That sounds exciting.

Ms.Frodo: Yes, another fella and I went down. We lost all we had on. Then we went back up again and put the stuff from our packs on and went down again. We were yet again, naked in no time at all.

Gandalf: I wish I had been there.

Ms.Frodo: We were throwing fire. We went down naked and threw fire time after time.. it lasted for over an hour.

Gandalf: Sounds Kinky

Gandalf: You know, going down... getting all hot.... going down...

OK In all seriousness I'll tell you. Here we are in the ancient catacombs of the Horadrim, where it's a twisted labyrinth of raw, focused Terror.. Me and my good buddie Laurelin the Rogue with a powerful Bow. . . So If I can't get the demons with my undirected Magic spells, then Laurelin sure will! The stairs lead to the town of Tristram, where the folks living there are upset about the happenings down below. They trust we will save the day!!

In the town square is where much action takes place, The burly guy you see here is Griswold the Blacksmith. (I know you don't see him thats because I lost his picture) He provides us with weapons and armor, but his prices are outragous, sometimes its best to just find things on your own and have them repaired for a fee. Here my friends have played a nice co-operative game and collect worth while items for selling or shareing. Remember, One mans junk may be another mans Treasure.

Here r some screen shots of Mana shield on when it shouldn't be, and me and my big mouth typos and all. (sorry but for now you will just have to click the back button after each viewing)

Screen shot others ms close to home saying stupid stuff, typos as usual Ms Up but man down Playing with cash  Adria takes a walk  I'm Not Dead
 Watching the action  I'm NOT dead  Adria takes a walk

 Gone to hell diff

 A great view

 Shoot a cool spell