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Be Not Afraid

BE NOT AFRAID! Thanking my Friends from Ancient Sites for encourageing me to give writing a try. ROTFLMAO Well now see what you've done?


Once upon a time a elderly lady was going to take a trip on a airplane.

Something she had never ever done in her life. Well let me tell you she was frightened to death about such things, like standing near the edge of the porch much less up in a plane!

Friends told her Not to worry so much, One even said it was like riding on a roller coaster

Well this lady wasn't convinced, and kept asking advise from those who have been in an airplane before. Someone told her it was like a Bus ride.

This made the lady very stressed out to think she would be on a bus for 5 hours and this bus would be in the air. The best thing she could think of was a visit to her Family Dr. (she was told about a drug that might relax her while she was flying)

Ok, this lady wasn't gonna travel all alone, her Travel Companion aka Husband, would be going along. He wasn't afraid of heights,, He was claustrophobic! This is way too bad that they booked a flight on a "Little airplane"

Quick he said," let me have another one of those relaxing pills!

The Lady was doing just fine until she saw that happen. It started to scare her and she took another "Relaxing Pill" . She sat by the window, He by the aisle, and they buckled up!

Nothing could bother them now they felt pretty dern good!

Anyway the plane began its speeding venture down the airport lane or what ever that is. and got enough speed up so it could leave the ground. OOOOOOHHHH! "said the lady", This does feel like a roller coaster. and Up the plane went , The lady looked out the window and wow it was going up pretty high!

This isn't so bad she thought, then the Pilot announced that if they look out the right side of the window they would see Mt.St.Helen, well oops the lady was sitting on the left, but when she looked out her window she saw this

Hum she thought? Is this Pilot mixed up? Does he know where he is? Does he know his left from his right? Perhaps there is a Mountain of less significance on the left that he didn't want to mention, Well the lady will never know do you?(Leave a message if you know this Mountain)

Well on goes the flight and the lady and her Husband both fall asleep for quite a long time until the waiters and waitresses on the plane started bringing little moldy snacks.

Well while eating, out the window she looks again, wow what a site to see!

What the heck is that? She thinks she is over one of the Dakotas or maybe Nevada...Can you tell me what it is?

On goes the flight and then she saw this

Maps, she thought are very accurate, this looks as if its the Missouri River. Is She right? Her neck is begining to get sore, turned all the time like that, looking at the scenery she forgot all about being scared! Now she needs something for her neck Pain!

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