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Tribute To Korean War Vets

In My Arms

The deal is on the rise again.

The ship comes into shore.

They've been away to somewhere,

but life goes on no less.

Through the foreign oceans,

underneath the seas.

And walls come tumbling down;

we'll be forever calm.

And you'll be here in my arms,

I'll keep you away from harm.

I thought about you twice just then;

you get me every time.

Keeps coming out of nowhere;

it cannot be defined.

Your colours are magnificent:

from magenta to bright blue.

And walls come tumbling down

we'll be forever calm.

And you'll be here in my arms,

I'll keep you away from harm.

And walls come tumbling down

we'll be forever calm.

And you'll be here in my arms,

I'll keep you away from harm.
