music pics

ATTENTION: I've been gigging lately. "House of the Rising Sun/Amazing Grace" has over 1000 hits on YouTube! I now have several songs on iTunes and other major streaming services as well! If you haven't come out to see the show, or if you want to see me again, "friend" me on facebook. That's where I advertise. Hope to see you there!

Musical Page
My YouTube Videos
iTunes Link to purchace my music
Apple Streaming Music link
My YouTube Music links
My New Writing Page-Coming Soon!
NBC's The Voice
My Homepage


Scroll through some Jam pics below!

--click on the titles below to hear some of my cover songs--
Dead Flowers

Let Her Cry

You Ain't Goin' Nowhere

May All Your Favorite Bands Stay Together

You Can't Always Get What You Want


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since October 23, 2016

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