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Chapter Three

AJ woke with a severe hangover. As he sat up in bed, his head was throbbing and his stomach was churning.

There was a constant banging going on in his head that he tried to quieten by putting a pillow over his ears. It was a full minute before he realized the banging wasn't in his head and was coming from his door.

He got up from the bed and dragged himself to the door and swung it open. Brian stood there with an intense frown on his face that deepened even more when he saw that AJ still wore his clothes from the day before.

"Dammit, AJ, you were supposed to be ready thirty minutes ago."

"Ready for what?" AJ asked groggily, rubbing his eyes.

Brian cursed under his breath before replying. "The photo shoot we had this morning. If you wouldn't mind terribly, could you hurry the hell up? Kevin and Drew kinda have a plane to catch this evening."

AJ cut Brian off before eye could say anymore by casually swinging the door closed in his face. "Damn, he's become such a grouch since Leighanne dumped him." he muttered on his way to the bathroom. He didn't care how late they were, he wasn't going anywhere until he had a shower.

As he stepped into the shower, he thought of his dreams of the night before. All night long, his dreams were filled with a certain dark haired, cat-eyed beauty. He couldn't get her off his mind. he thought about her as eh finished his shower and got dressed. He was still thinking about her when he met the guys in the lobby after he was dressed.


Lynsey Moore couldn't shake his image out of her mind.

When she got on the elevator the night before, she was immediately arrested by the sight of him. He was definitely very good looking but what intrigued her most was the way he looked at her.

He looked at her like no one else ever had before. His gaze was so intense that she got off two floors to soon just to clear her head.

And now I'll probably never see him again. she thought as she snapped the back of her camera closed.

She was already irritated because her next appointment was an hour late and thinking of the stranger with the intense eyes didn't help. Not that she'd done much of anything else since she'd seen him.

Lynsey brought herself out of her thoughts and tried to concentrate on loading her cameras. A few minutes later, she heard the next group come in and go immediately to make up and wardrobe.

She was shooting the Backstreet Boys today and dreaded it. She usually tried to stay away from musicians because they tended to be a bit spoiled. The Backstreet Boys proved this today by showing up an hour late.

As she heard the group emerge from make up and wardrobe, a voice drifted to her above the rest.

"Brian, please stop bitching. I'm sorry I made us late."

Lynsey knew she'd never heard the voice before but for some reason, it sent chills down her spine. It was low and raspy and intensely sexual. She turned toward the voice and gasped aloud as she came face to face with the stranger from the night before.

His face showed that he was just as surprised as she was by seeing each other again. For the second time, he drug his glasses from his face to look at her with that intense gaze of his.

One of their managers stepped forward to offer introductions. "This is the photographer, Lynsey Moore. Ms. Moore, these are the Backstreet Boys. Kevin, Howie, Brian, AJ and Nick."

AJ stepped forward and took her hand in his. "Lynsey." he said in that beautiful voice of his. "I'm AJ." He then brought her hand to his lips to place a lingering kiss on the back of it. His lips seemed to burned her skin and she could feel the heat of his mouth throughout her entire body.

For all that Lynsey was a professional, she couldn't drag her eyes from AJ's warm brown ones and she couldn't drag her hand from his either. With their eyes locked with each other's, neither of them saw the other four guys rolling their eyes. They didn't look away from each other until Kevin stepped forward and said to AJ "AJ, I'm postponing my honeymoon. Could you save this for later?"

AJ finally snapped his eyes from hers and reluctantly let go of her hand. When he wasn't touching her, Lynsey could think rationally. She looked away from AJ and led the boys over to where they were conducting the photo shoot. She set them up where she wanted them and although AJ had replaced the dark glasses on his face, she could still feel his eyes on her.

When she started to take pictures, she got wrapped up in her work but she was still very aware of AJ. As she took the pictures, a couple of times, she found herself directing her camera to AJ but quickly caught herself and finished the shoot.

A while later, the shoot was finished and Lynsey thanked the guys for coming. As they were leaving, she glanced at AJ, who was once again staring intently at her. When she looked at him, he nodded slowly to her and followed the rest of the guys out the door.

Chapter Four
