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A'dan and Taith

You enter a small room in the candidate barracks. A young boy is sitting on a chair saring off into space, head in hands. He has pale brown hair, almost blond, and very tanned skin. His eyes are a dark green, or at least you think they are from what you can see. His tunic is a dark red and fits his wirey frame rather loosely, baging in several places. His pants ae of a sturdy brown leather and so are his ankle high boots. “Hello?” you venture, hoping to get response. He jerks his head up and looks startled.
“Hello,” he says, after a long pause.
“Hello.” you say again, this time hopeing for a longer response
“Oh, hello!” he says, giving you a wry smile. “I’m A'dan, rider of green Taith!. Welcome to my humble abode.” Giving a wide sweep of the hand to show of the whole room. There is a bed in one corner covered by a dark blue bed sheet. Then you notice what should have been ovious, a green hatchling reclining on a couch on the far side of the weyr.
Visit this dragon's Birth Place!

"That's Taith. Not that many boys impress greens anymore, it created a real stir let me tell you. There was a girl standing next to me nad we both thought Taith was headed for her, but she chose me!" He grins and you are almost sure the dragon looks smug. A blue flitter goes and flits over to the draon and lands on her head.

Seeing where your gaze is directed he grins, “That’s Jester, my fire lizard. I got him at the same clutch that my sister got one at." as if he knew he was being spoken about the flitter flys over to A'dan's shoulder. And A'dan, seeing that he has your attention he decides to completely change the subject. “You see at this weyr everybody gets there own little room until they impress then they move either into a group weyr or into individual ones, I was lucky to get the nice room I had before I impressed, but shells, it is so hard to get everything moved into here!”
“Wait a second,” you say, “Are you Candidates didn't get there own weyr?”
“Sure, I mean, it takes a lot to get things done and going around in a weyr and not that many people impress on the first time, or at all for that matter. I mean, most of them were better of being harpers!” he laughs at his own joke, but you don’t think that it is very funny.
“What Weyr?” you ask.”
“You mean, which weyr?” he says, getting a little tongue tied on the last few sylables. “Try saying that one 5 times fast.?”
“I think I’ll abstain on that on.?”
“You sure?”?”
“Quite, now what Weyr did you impress at?”
Gallimim weyr
“Well, that was easy now wasn’t it?”?”
“Actually it wasn’t.” he says, making a face. “I hate being serious, it hurts my head.” he laughs and you begrudingly join in.
“What did you do before you were a candidate A'dan?” “Well,” he says, getting into the mode of telling a long history sort of thing, “I was born at Fort Hold to a perfectly respectable family, my mother being a brewer nad my father being a master hideworker-whatyamacallit-person. Well, they were perfectly respectable except for one little thing, me and my sister Aurea. We ran rampant all over the Hold and got in trouble so many times, but with my charm and her negotiating skills we got away with anything.” He smiles at the memory. “She might be coming to the Weyr you know, and if she does, oh I just can’t wait!” he ends with a flurish. ?”
“Who’s older, you or her?”
“I’m about a turn older at 15.” he says. Seeing your look, I mean he looks like he’s 13 and acts like he’s 10 he goes on, “Oh come on, I can be mature if I want to, ussually I just don’t want to!” he chukles and you grin.
“I must be going” you here yourself say, “I’ll come back to see if you impress.”
He waves and you exit and thought of this boy echo through your head long after you have left.

Name: A'dan
Age: 15 turns
Pets: Blue flitter Jester
Siblings: Sister, Aurea, age 14 turns
Possiton: Candidate at Gallimim Weyr
Dragon: reen
Dragon’s name: Taith
Dragon color: Green
Dragon’s age: Adult

Visit Gallimim weyr where A'dan impressed
