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Anala's Weyr

You enter a empty weyr, a weyr that is empty of a dragon, npt really empty. A soft mysterous sound of a flute is comming from an area of the weyr that is divided off from the main part, the living chamber. The song was going very nicely, enchanting even, but not so good as to bring a tear to your eye. But still very good. As the player reached a high note a screech and a squick come out of the pipes and a young girl's voice cries, "Shells! I'm never going to get this piece right if I can't hit that note!" The curtain rustles and a girl of about 17 steps out.

She jumps at seeing you, clearly starled. She looks very strange compared to others that you have seen today. She is wearing a pale purple dress that compliments her flameing red hair, but what really sets her apart from most people you meet is the fact that her eyes are a pale crystle blue. Her feet are bare, and a seacond glance at her dress shows that is very faded and started out being a much darker shade of purple, much fadded and worn. She recovers from the shock of seeing some one in her weyr and specks to you, "Hello, My name is Anala." She holds a very caloused hand out for you to take and you shake it gladly. "Welcome to Twin firestone Weyr." Her voice is deep and husky, an alto, if she sang.
A shrill cheeping sound comes from out of the chmaber area and you find you self being attacked by two very visious looking firelizards.

"Dayaa, Ranco! behave yourelves." The two fire lizards fly over to her and perch on her shoulders. Anala scolds them, waging a finger at one, then at the other. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." she apologises to you profusly, looking truly ahamed, as if somthing might happpen to her. You reply that living in Pern nowadays it is costomary to be atacked by fire lizards every other day. She still looks a little ashamed, but nat as worried. "I guess that is true," she relpies slowly, "But I wish mine were better behaved!" she looks flustered. "Oh no, where are my manners, my Ma would get me for leaving you outside here standing when you could have a warm cup of klah inside the chamber." Without another word she ushers you in. You gaze around her humble dwelling. Unlike many of the other weyrs that you have seen today, hers is nicly furnished. A bed covered with a moth eaten purple quilt is in one corner, and a table and chairs is in the other on a makeshift rug, the rug is also purple. You think that you can guess her favorite color. There is a bureau and dreser next to the bed. The doors of whitch are flung open to revel some very nice dresses, along with a few pairs of boys breeches, hanging, not so neatly. Some of the clothing is piled high in a heap at the corner of the closet. The whole room has a lived in quality that you really like.
"Here's you klah." Anala says poaring you a cup as you sit down. "I really like it here at Twin Firestone, much more then I ever liked it at High Reaches Hold!" she says this with much vigor. "For on thing it is not so cold!" she pauses again."I'm sorry, I don't want to bore you with my personal history." you assure her quite the latter and she still looks a little hesitant. "Well, it's boring. So you can't say I didn't warn you!"
She begins her tale. "I was born at High Reaches hold from a happily married couple who worked there. My father was runner handler and my mother was, my mother was, well, a drudge. That was most of my life. I had 6 brothers, all older, and a younger sister. I worked as a drudge in the hold for lack of anything else to do. My friend Ligia taught me how to play the pipes. She is still at High Reaches somewhere. Maybe when, I mean, if I impress I can get her over here." You are quite startled, this girl? A canidate? Seeing you expression the girl laughts nerviously. "Oh yes, I'm a canidate at Talor Cliff Weyr she sighs happily. "I was searched and I came here, to Twin Firestone Weyr. You should have seen the looks on my older brothers faces when they heard that the Weyr wanted me and not one of them!" she laughs at the thought. "Maybe next time one of them will be searched, I can only hope now. But wait, my story is not done yet. I got these fire lizards when we stopped for a break at Riveith Weyr. They told me I could go for a walk on the beaches and as I was walking I saw a nest of fire lizards. They were nearly all gone when I reached it. Only Dayya, my green and Ranco, my blue were left. I somehow managed to impress feed them and they feelk asleep. I really scaring the weyr leaders todeath when they were tring to find me. Well they did eventually and here I am." you grin in spite of yourself.
"I hope that you impress."
"I do too. Who knows, stranger things have happened."
You sadly relize that the open road is calling you and you must leave to explore the rest of the weyr.

Anala's Stat Sheet
Name: Anala
Possition: Canidate at Main Weyr
