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J'lem and Hirath's Weyr

You enter a medium sized Weyr and see a middle age boy sitting next to brwon dragon. He is rubbing it and washing it all over with sweet sand and hide oil, and is oviously very proud of his newly chosen, for the hatchling does look young.
Hirath, the hatchling
“Watch your step, it’s slippery over there, I just finished washing the floor.”
“Oh.” you say stepping over it carefully. The boy wipes of his hand with a dry cloth and holds it over to you.
“Hello, I’m J'lem. This is my room, if you can’t tell.” his hair is light brown with streaks of blond. (blond highlights)and his eyes are a pecular shade of blue that is neither dark blue nor pale blue. He has a light dusting of freckles across his nose that give him a rather boyish look. He is about average height, not to tall and not to short. "This guy over here," he says, gesturing toward the dragon, "Is Hirath, I impressed him at Glass Island Weyr
Two fire lizards, a green and a blue come at that moment winging through the window. THee green lands on Julem's shoulder while the blue flys about the room.

"These are my flitters, Rilla and Darter. I impressed them at Glass Island Weyr. I impressed Hirath there as well.
"Was it your first time on the sands?" you ask, eager for conversation.
“No, and had been for a while I’m afraid, not that I'd change any dragon in the world for Hirath." he gives the little brown a hug and goes on, I’ve stood at the hatching grounds for three hatchings then at three diffrent Weyrs and had not impressed My father, J’lamic, is a blue rider and my mother, Kilia, is a green rider. I guess I took it for granted that being weyrbred automatically said that I would impress. I know that’s not true, but some days I really wish it was. My father I can tell is really disappointed in me, I can tell, even though he tries not to show it and my mother is really good about it. She doesn’t say anything. She’s great. I miss her a lot since I came to this weyr, but I think it is all for the best.”
You nod and he goes on,
“Thanks for listening to my babbling, the only other one who does that is Rilla and she falls asleep half the time. Darter could really care less. He's a very engergetic 'on 'he is.” he chuckles softly, mainly to himself. He seems cheerful, and that natural cheerfullness id heightened by the dragon at his side. The fire lizard is flying about the room now and J'lem smiles. “I’ve got some more cleaning to do.” he says, almost apologetically and you turn to leave.

J'lem’s Stats

Name: J'lem
Age: 16
Position: Candidate at Glass Island Weyr
Father: Blue Rider J’lamic Mother: Green Rider Kalia
Pets: Rilla and Darter, a green and blue fire lizard pair, impressed at Glass Island Weyr

Background by Lily Valley Weyr Weavercraft
