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Usagi's Story

The beginning. (Usagi’s tale of being searched)
Usagi looked up and noticed she was late. “Not again!” she thought. “The search riders are coming today and I have to serve them a meal. The meal.” Usagi ran down the steps of Nerat Hold, where she was a drudge, her blond hair streaming out after her from the low pony tail that she constantly kept it in. Even though she was a drudge she was clean and her uniform spotless, well almost any way. Everyone at this hold wanted to make a good impression on the search riders, just in case, especially those like Usagi, whose only future was to be a drudge for the rest of their life. Mainly Usagi was a drudge not because of lack of education, but because of the act that her parents both had been and it was expected of her. They ever went out of there way to make her feel wanted, in fact, not of the time it as just the opposite. “I’m really going to get it this time!” she though as she tied her sash while running down the stairs. She slipped and feel down the stairs tumbling and rolling till she hit the bottom. “Oww,” she moaned and tried to get to her feet. To her surprise and man she didn’t recognize was next to her and he held out his hand and helped her up. “That was quite a fall little miss. Are you all right?” the man said, kindly.
“Fine.” Usagi said, a little self conscious. “That happens to me all the time.” she glanced around her. “Sorry sir, I’m late. I have to be serving dinner.” with that she dashed down the stairs and into the kitchen.

“Usagi, your late again!” a voice boomed. The head cook.
“Sorry. I don’t know what happened.”
“Well, you had better shape up. The search riders have already arrived.”
“Already? That was quick.” They were not expected for at least another hour. Then she thought of that man that helped her up, was he? She pushed that thought out if her mind, no dragon rider would help a mere drudge, a clumsy one at that.
“Yes that was quick. They’ll be wanting eating there dinner now so you’d better get out there and start serving them!” The cook didn’t mean to be harsh, it only came out that way. Usagi grabbed a plate of fried tubers and vegetables and carried it into the dinning hall.
It was a buzz with activity. Men and women wearing wher hide jackets and pants seemed to be everywhere, but there were only around five and they all were at the high table. Fire lizards were all over the place, or so it seemed to Usagi, though there can’t have been more then 10 in the room at one time. Most of them had colored bands around there necks. She put the plate down at a table and went to get another on when a voice came to her ear.
“... that’s the one I told you about, think she’ll make a good candidate?” It was the guy from the hall way!
“I don’t know.” a second, feminine voice said.
“We can always take her and give her a try.”
“I suppose. I’ll have to consult Ylith on that one.” the second voice said again, still doubtful. Usagi blushed at the thought of eavesdropping on a conversation that would mean so much to any girl in the hold and went back into the kitchen.

“There you are Usagi.” the cook said. “Here is another dish, mind you it is hot, so don’t burn your self.” She handed it to Usagi who took it with care. Shells, this one was heavy. She walked with is carefully. She was not going to make a fool out of herself tonight Then she heard some boys behind her.
“Not them again.” she thought, doubtless they wanted to make a fool out of her again, by pushing her over or tripping her or something like that. She walked a little faster. Just when she thought that she was safe a strong push from behind sent her and the contents of the dish flying, right in front of the dragon riders table. She didn’t hurt much, physically, but her whole mind was in turmoil. She would surely get beaten this time by her parents, and now any hopes she had of becoming a candidate shattered. Unbidden tears came to her cheeks, why did she have to be so clumsy, no one in the hold would ever forgive her for this. Luckily the contents of the tray had been spilled in a direction away from the table, and even though soup was all over the floor none of it had gotten on a dragon rider. A man stood over her and she cringed. Now she was in for it before. He held out his hand and she took it and got to her feet. The boy that pushed her was getting a strong lecture from his mother. And she almost sounded as if she enjoyed giving it to him too. Usagi looked up at the man that helped her up.
“Hello again.” he said. “Funny how we always met this way,” he joked. She smiled weakly wiping her tears off with her sleeve. “What’s your name child?”
“Usagi sir.”
“Well Usagi, how would you like to be a candidate at Talor Cliff Weyr?.”
Usagi’s mouth opened wide her? A candidate? Without thinking she said. “More then anything in the world ten times over.” Then as an after thought she put in, “But why would any dragon want me. I’m to clumsy, I fall down all the time-”
“I did that too when was you age.” The search rider said, struggling not to laugh.
By this time the meal was over and the dragon riders were searching for candidates. Usagi was in a state of ecstasy. She had been searched!

The Second Chapter (at the weyr)

“This is your room in the candidate barracks. Don’t be shy to make friends, they’re all nice kids.” the woman said, who had guided her there. “You have to clean your room your self and look after them. The dinner bell will ring soon, so you’d better clean yourself up. There are some spare clothing in the closet. You can use those if you like.” with that she left her, a weyr before a hatching was a very busy place. Usagi looked around the rooms that they had given her at the weyr. They were large and spacious. A table and chair set was in one corner and a cabinet well stocked with numweed, hide oil and rubbing cloths was next to it. A cozy looking plush rug was one the corner. A door leading to the bed room was nest to it. Curious she peeked in and saw a closet filled with wher hide tunics pants, clean dresses and beautiful new everything! Well almost new anyway. She was overwhelmed, this was a few? The bed was cheerful, covered in a yellow bed spread and soft looking pillows. A wash room was in one corner and she got cleaned up, she didn’t want to smell bad during dinner. She put on of the tunics in the dresser with care and brushed the tangles out of her hair. Then a bell rang.
“Dinner!” she thought. “Boy, I love food.” then she remembered something. The woman who had showed her the room didn’t tell her where the dinner room was. Oh well, she thought as she heard voices out side, I’ll just follow the crowd. She let herself out of her room and followed some girls, at a safe distance, down the steps, watching her step, she was not going to trip this time.

What the Weyr folk thought as an average dinner Usagi thought as a feast. There was roast wherry and wher sport, fruit juice perfectly chilled and for the older people, good benden wine. She sat at the candidate’s table and was being unusually quite, and was for most of her days as a candidate. Slowly she made friends, and was perfectly happy with her life. She learned things that she had never known before, about dragons and about humans and animals and about Pern.

Well to make a long story short, (and because my hands hurt from typing) Usagi went to the dinning room, and was feeling rather secluded from the other candidates but some how managed to make some friends after a while. They all talked for a while, mainly about the hatching and there pets. Then it occurred to Usagi that she didn’t have on, so they showed her the kennels, the cattery, and the beaches. Finally Usagi is back at her room with her new pet.

Usagi never thought that she could feel more at piece with her self. Sitting on her lap was a small green fire lizard, happy and carefree. “You are such a beauty Mysta.” she murmured and the fire lizard hatchling preened.

Usagi laughed and lay down on her bed, the softest bed that she had ever laid on and knew, that for the first time in her life she was truly happy.
Usagi's Journal
Usagi's Stat Sheet
Usagi's Picture
