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Wilisar looked around his boring room and sighed. There was never anything to do at this hold. He couldn’t just run away, thread fall was to imminent for that. He wanted adventure, He wanted excitement. Most of all, he wanted to be a candidate, or better yet a dragonrider. He daydreamed a lot, about flying thread with a dragon under him, that bond that was greater then almost anything else on Pern. A strand of his dark brown hair had fallen across his eyes. He brushed it back absently, wondering what to do with his life. He had always wanted to be a runner beast handler. He dismissed that idea almost immediately, the runners all seemed to hate him. He could be a smith, no he didn’t have that sort of skill. He could be a miner, after all that wasn’t hard, but it wasn’t the job he had dreamed of. Here he was at 15 without anything to do to help his hold, Ilistar Hold, (I just made this one up, small hold in southern near Twin Firestone Weyr), for his life. His only hope now was that he would be searched. He had heard something about a search from Jerdan Weyr coming to the hold on search soon, maybe then. He shook the idea out of his head. It was a dream. Only a child’s dream. Only the very, very lucky were searched. He decided to take a detour to the kitchen, maybe grab something to eat . He passed some girls and heard them giggle. He sighed, wishing that they would just leave him alone. He seemed never to escape them. Always they tried to flirt with him or joke around him, constantly. He was rather handsome, though you wouldn’t’t hear him say that, not that he didn’t know himself. He was rather a little proud andd stiff and didn't really know how to react to people, a major downfall in his personality. He had strong fetures and a nose a little to big for good looks, but still he was. His eyes glittered green and brown, swirling and intertwining. He was also the Lord Holders son, another recommendation. Of course he wasn’t the heir, that was his brother Ramisant’s job. He looked up again at the kitchen. A druge got out of his way and handed him some fruit, his usual order. He headed outside. His fire lizard, Tye, came out from between and landed on his shoulder, chirping softly.
Tya, a green flitter
He scratched her under the chin and feed her a piece of fruit. Suddenly a whir of wings filled the air and he saw two dragons, a green and a blue land in the court yard. at the other side of the Hold.
“Search riders,” he thought grimly, scarcely daring to hope that it might be him that they were looking for and take back to the weyr. He decided after a long thought that he should go and greet them, try to be friendly. He walked over the court yard whistling slightly out of tune. He was nervous. His tall 5’11 frame and long legs carried him there in a record time. The dragons were eyeing him closely, looking him over. He was not the only one who came to the yard to see the dragon his little sister Willka was there to, gazing up at them, thumb in her mouth. He smiled in spite of himself, looking at his little sister, attention turned for a moment away from the dragons. A polite cough behind him brought him back to the present. He came face to face with a man with a heavy, well clipped brown beard and mustache. His blue eyes sparkled with amusment.
“Well young sir, what is your name?”
“Wilisar sir.” “Hello Wilisar, I’m L’nic, blue rider at Jerdan Weyr.” He was a search rider! “That is my dragon blue Riketh.”
Wilisar turned and regared the dragon, who was huge, or at least it seemed to him. “He is quite big for a blue.” L’nic said with the pride of a dragonrider. Suddenly a voice in his(l'nic, not Wilisar's) head echoed, ^so L’nic, do you like him?^
Riketh said to L'nic. ^I do^
“Yes Riketh, I agree with you, I think he’d make a good candidate.” L'nic said out loud for Wilisars convinice. At first Wilisar thought that he didn't hear correctly, he’d make a good candidate!
^That’s good, his father I should think would also like it. It is a great honor to be searched for a weyr.^
“Thank you, Riketh. Thank you L'nic!” Wilisar could hardly contain his delight He was searched! He ran off to tell his father and soon the news was spreed throughout the hold.

Jerdan Weyr
Naronis Weyr Where Tya is from.

Riketh and L’nic are my creation. They do not live at Jerdan Weyr and have no realation to Jerdan Weyr. They just were her in this story to help me out and search Wilisar.

Hey, a perfect search can happen. I ussually don't like to do stories where being a candidate just falls into their open and awaiting hands, but hey, it can happen.
**Please note** This background was made by me. Please, please don't steal it. Thank you.
