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How can I grow vhen I am stuck in this shell? Did you ever notice that you can compare yourself to a snail? Vell I did. The outside seems so scary so just like the snail you hide in your shell vhen you get scared. Not much room to grow inside of their is there. I never see snails inside their shell get very big, but vhen you see a slug, a snail vithout a shell, you notice that they are bigger. They have grown more because the outside has caused them to. Maybe the Transcendentalists are right. Nature reflects upon us. Walt Whitman saw it vith the spider. I see it vith the snail. Vhat do you see it vith? Can they talk to us then? Maybe they can, if they can show you vhat you are. I vant you to see vhat you are. Maybe then you can grow. Maybe then you can stop and live. Carefree seemed so great, but vhere did it get you? Like the butterfly a short carefree life. Such a beautiful thing to connect vith something vithout verds. Do you vant to be vhat you see? Now that you know it may not seem like the right vay. Now that you see it change it. How?? I guess I don’t really know. Or do I? The answer is here I know it?? It is also there so find it. Don’t you see?? Maybe you need to close your eyes, cuz it isn’t there. Did Walt Whitman really see himself as the spider, or did he choose to be the spider? Vhat do you choose to be? Choose it then!
