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137- Blockbusters                               Bill Cullen

1980 Larae Dillman breaks the $25,000 mark!!

1980 The next day with Larae vs. Gold Rush then vs. James & Ruby

1980 The next day with Larae vs. Jerrilyn & Barbara

The next 9 episodes are John Hatten’s 1st reign of terror

1980 John makes his 1st appearnce and the board goes nuts at the end.

1980 John wins his 1st and 2nd games

1980 John wins his 3rd game.

1980 John wins his 4th game

1980 John wins his 5th game

1980 John falls behind, but makes a comeback to win his 6th game.

1980 John wins his 7th game and Bill mentions that John’s house has burned down during one of the tapings.

1980 John rallies for his 8th game.

1980 John retires for the first time.

1981 Father & Son team are champs.

1981 Rollie & Mike vs. Craig

1981 Mike & Rollie vs. Irene

1981 Mike & Rollie vs. Sherry

1981 Sherry vs. Gold Rush then vs. Lee Roy & Harold

1981 Sherry vs. Dave & Ed

1981 Sherry vs. Gilda & Ralph

1981 Sherry vs. Glendice & Sandi

1981 Sherry vs. Gold Rush then vs. Susan & Barbara

1981 Sherry vs. Barbara & Susan

1981 Sherry vs. Stuart & Leonard  Sherry is retired undefeated!!

1981 Barb vs. David & Jolene

1981 David & Jolene vs. Bob

1981 David & Jolene vs. Randy

1981 Randy vs. Arch & Michael

1981 Randy vs. Lisa & Stan

1981 Randy vs. Lisa & Stan

1981 Randy vs. Jackie & Wendy

1981 Alan & Jeff vs. Karen

1981 Alan & Jeff vs. Nicole

1981 Alan & Jeff vs. Pam

1981 Alan & Jeff vs. David

1981 Alan & Jeff vs. Bob

1981 Alan & Jeff vs. Pomphylia

1981 Alan & Jeff vs. Brad

1981 Alan & Jeff vs. Gold Rush then Jill vs. Katie & Juanita  Alan & Jeff are retired.

1981 Jill vs. Katie & Juanita

1981 Katie & Juanita vs. Dale

1981 Dale vs. Robin & Vaughna

1981 Robin & Vaughna vs. Jeanie

1981 Robin & Vaughna vs. Paula

1981 Judy & Jerry vs. Fran

1981 Judy & Jerry vs. Robin

1981 Judy & Jerry vs. Jim

1981 Jim vs. Ruth & Sue

1981 Angie vs. Brenda & Bonnie

1981 Bonnie & Brenda vs. Carol

1981 Bonnie & Brenda vs. Wayne

1981 Wayne vs. Shay & Betty

1981 Shay & Betty vs. Barbara

1981 Shay & Betty vs. Marie

1981 Marie vs. Pat & Russ

1981 Pat & Russ vs. Joe

1981 Pat & Russ vs. Terry

1981 Pat & Russ vs. Mary

1981 Pat & Russ vs. Gold Rush then vs. Carla

1981 Pat & Russ vs. Carla

1981 Carla vs. Diana & Valoree

1981 Carla vs. Gail & Jill

1981 Carla vs. Jan & Mark

1981 Jan & Mark vs. Glenda

1981 Jan & Mark vs. Gold Rush then vs. Pam

1981 Jan & Mark vs. Diane

1981 Jan & Mark vs. Diane

1981 Diane vs. Kevin & Sharon

1981 Kevin & Sharon vs. Gold Rush then vs. Jim

1981 the next day with Kevin & Sharon vs. Gold Rush then vs. Kathy

1981 The next day with Kevin & Sharon vs. Kathy

1981 The next day with Kevin & Sharon vs. Forrest

1981 Barry vs. Ron & Robyn

1981 Barry vs. Tom vs. Dan

1981 Jamie vs. Melissa & Jan

1981 The next day with Jamie vs. Betty & Shriley

1981 Bob vs. Lisa & Wanda

1981 David vs. Robyn & Suzanne

1981 David vs. Jim & Bill

1981 David vs. Bonita & Mary

1981 David vs. John & Charlene

1981 David vs. Mary & Shirley

1981 David vs. Gold Rush then vs. Pat & Bob

1981 Pat & Bob vs. Trisha

1981 Pat & Bob vs. Trisha

1981 Pat & Bob vs. V.  Bill tells russian jokes!!

1981 Pat & Bob vs. V.

1981 Pat & Bob vs. Brian

1981 Pat & Bob vs. Linda

1981 Linda vs. Barbara & Brad

1981 Linda vs. Barbara & Brad

1981 Linda vs. Stephanie & Sandy

1981 Linda vs. Gold Rush then vs. Kevin & Mary Lou

1981 Kevin & Mary Lou vs. Gold Rush then vs. Joe.  Bill can’t pronounce his last name.

1981 Kevin & Mary Lou vs. Mary Ann

1981 Kevin & Mary Lou vs. Tom

1981 Kevin & Mary Lou vs. Joe

1981 Kandi vs. Colin & Velda

1981 Kandi vs. Alice & Ruth

1981 Pat & Liz vs. Roberta

1981 Joins in at Pat & Liz vs. Kirk

1981 Pat & Liz vs. Kirk

1981 Pat & Liz vs. Barbara

1981 Pat & Liz vs. Barbara

1981 Pat & Liz vs. Julio

1981 Pat & Liz vs. Gold Rush then vs. Christine.  In this ep. Pat & Liz become the biggest family pair winners!!

1981 Pat & Liz vs. Greg

1981 Pat & Liz vs. Judith

1981 Pat & Liz vs. Melinda  Pat & Liz are retired with $120K!

1981 Sharon vs. Michael & Allen

1981 Sharon vs. Kim & Don

1981 Kim & Don vs. Larae

1981 Larae vs. Gold Rush then vs. Chris & Olga

1981 Larae vs. Gold Rush then vs. Scott & Lynn

1981 Larae vs. Kitty & Elinor

1981 Kitty & Elinor vs. Kenny

1981 Kitty & Elinor vs. Helen

1981 Tom Kennedy promotes Password Plus!!  He lives in the board!!

1981 Helen vs. Jan & Roger

1981 Jan & Roger vs. Barbara

1981 Jan & Roger vs. Steve

1981 Jan & Roger vs. Sharon

1981 Jan & Roger vs. J.C.

1981 J.C. vs. Debbie & B.J.

1981 Cinthianne & Terri vs. Yvonne

1981 Alfred vs. Clyde & John

1981 Musetta vs. Patty & Val

1981 Musetta vs. Janet & Nancy

1981 Musetta vs. Patty & Val

1981 Musetta vs. Shannon & Valarie

1981 Musetta vs. Josie & Len

1981 Musetta vs. Alan & Jeff

1981 Alan & Jeff vs. Robyn

1981 Alan & Jeff vs. Dick

1981 Chuck vs. Phyllis & Pam

1982 Renee vs. Barbara vs. Kelli

1982 Last ep. With Marge vs. Nina & Kim