BOSS GX-700 Page

Dumping patches to a GX-700


For patch dumping I use my PC so I can´t supply info how to do it on other platforms (such as Mac, Atari Falcon, Amiga)

There is 2 good ways to dump a patch into your GX-700, the first is to record the settings with a midi sequenser (such as Cubase, cakewalk et.c) and then save it in a midifile.

You can also save it as raw sysex data (as I do) with a sysex editor/librarian (MDF, Soundforge Sysex´95 et.c) and then save it in a .SYX file or .MEM (cubase sysex)

The equipment you need is :

* a GX-700 (of course) :-)

* PC at least 386 with DOS, WIN3.1 or WIN95

* a soundcard that supports midi in/out

* a midiadapter and cables

* Sequenser or Sysex software (sequenser must have possibility to save in .MID format)

----------HOW TO DO IT-----------

connect your computer to the GX-700 properly and start the computer.

Call up your SEQ/SYSEX program and set it to the same channel as the GX-700 (press TUNER/UTILITY and then parameter right a few times until you see MIDICHANNEL= (factory set as channel 1)

Prepare the to recieve or transmit (same procedure here... Tuner/Utility and parameter right until it says Bulk Dump write (to send) or Midi Bulk Load (to receive).

If your planning to load sound just start transmitting from the SEQ/SYSEX program.

If your planning to send sound you´ll have to setup the GX-700 what sound to send (factory set as SYSTEM-P100)

(system = your personal settings for the entire GX-700)

When you have done this and set your SEQ/SYSEX program on record/receive press WRITE on the GX-700.

This will take a while if your sending all information.

Hope this will answer a few of the Dump-beginners questions, but if you feel stuck don´t hesitate to mail me.

/Calle Nordqvist





All Patches (c) Nordqvist Midi Productions 1998


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