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take some comfort e.e. cummings

take some comfort e.e. cummings
in know (perhaps painfully so) ing
where others razzle dazzly
indulge in their strange sense
(spent all their lives long) s
of right and wrong and above all
else CoInciDence....
take some comfort e.e. cummings
in learning that there will be o
(visiting Ezra Pound's grave) thers
to pick up the candle of illumInation
lighting Our way,,,,,,
rest easy with the knowl
-edge that (when winds blow
cold in november) there are
still-though few in number
some of us

Copyright 1999 by Don Jeffries

Short And Sweet, The Light Fantastic

Short and sweet, the light fantastic
Trip it fast and run like hell
Until minds snap and bodies swell
Marching in time to American Plastic
A hymn for the holy, drivel of fear
Magical madness, draw parallels
Until voices crumble and aching ears tell
The joy of a message so strong and clear
Folded hands lifted in agonized grace
Traffic is heavy and hard to veer
Away from a distance with fumes so near
That every child can smell the place.

Copyright 1999 by Don Jeffries