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Poetry and Creative Writing

Poetry Links and Creative Writing Resources

Poetry Daily (Bookmark this Page -- One of the Best Poetry Sites on the Net!)
The Academy of American Poets
Poetry Magazine
The Atlantic Monthly Poetry Pages
Poetry on the Internet from
Associated Writing Programs
Poets & Writers Online Homepage
AMPOETSA -- Noteworthy Poetry Resources on the Web
Electronic Poetry Center (From the Poetry Center at the University of Buffalo
Voices and Visions
A Little Poetry
My Poet Links (From Professor Hishikawa at Kobe University in Japan)
Poetry on BookWire
The Writer's Almanac, from Minnesota Public Radio
Milkweed Blossoms E-Verse


These are all simply terrific titles . . . by turns inspiring, illuminating, thought-provoking, and sometimes just plain downright useful. While some of these titles are hot-off-the-press brand new, others are "old chestnuts." (The transalation of Lu Chi's Wen Fu, for example, or The Art of Writing translated from various Chinese Masters, are works that date from as far back as 200 A.D., yet I think that if you are not familiar with these works, you will be just completely amazed at how how utterly fresh, inspiring and insightful they still remain to this day!) I truly believe that all of these books are, in one way or another, indispensable to the aspiring and/or experienced writer, as well as to the creative writing teacher. You can purchase any of these titles right here, if you like! Simply click on the links below to preview and/or buy any of these books from

The Glass Anvil, by Andrew Hudgins.

Best Words, Best Order: Essays on Poetry, by Stephen Dobyns.

Nine Gates: Entering the Mind of Poetry: Essays, by Jane Hirshfield.

The Poet's Companion: A Guide to the Pleasures of Writing Poetry, by Kim Addonizio and Dorianne Laux.

The Triggering Town: Lectures and Essays on Poetry and Writing, by Richard Hugo.

Ecstatic Occasions, Expedient Forms: 85 Leading Contemporary Poets Select and Comment on their Poems, edited by David Lehman.

A Poetry Handbook, by Mary Oliver.

One Art: The Letters of Elizabeth Bishop, edited by Robert Giroux.

Some Necessary Angels: Essays on Writing and Politics, by Jay Parini.

The Sounds of Poetry: A Brief Guide, by Robert Pinsky.

Writing the Australian Crawl: Views on the Writer's Vocation, by William Stafford.

Crossing Unmarked Snow: Further Views on the Writer's Vocation, by William Stafford.

The Art of Writing: Lu Chi's Wen Fu, translated by Sam Hamill.

The Art of Writing: Teachings of the Chinese Masters, edited by Tony Barnstone, Ping Chou, Chi Wen Fu Lu, Kendra Crossen and Peter Turner.

A Natural History of the Senses, by Diane Ackerman.

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