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LH Blue Card Simplified Version

Theis simplified version is a little easier to handle than that of LH Blue Card, so good for those players have not very much experience in bridge competition yet.

Its 1 opening is simply 12~14HP range, no overload. And the one major opening keeps traditional 5-cards instead of 4-cards.

Here is the brief description of the system and hope you enjoy it and take home master points with it.


Welcome, bridge friends.

Welcome, bridge friends. Please send comments to Liu, Hong

Bid Description Note
* 1 Non Forcing: 12-14hp, no 5-cards major or 6-cards minor Bids after it
* 1 Forcing: 15+ hp excluds those for 1NT/2NT opening
Bids after it
Balanced Hand Bidings 0--11hp: pass
12-14hp: 1->1NT
15-17hp: 1NT
18-19hp: 2NT
20-21hp: 1->2NT
22-23hp: 1->1NT->2NT
24-26hp: 1->1NT->3NT
Bids after it
1/1 5+ suit with 11-14 hp
Bids after it
1NT 15~17hp balanced Bids after it
2/2 10~14hp, 5+ suit (for the 1st and 2nd positions, should have 11+ hp and 6+ suit) Bids after it
2/2 Weak Two: 5+ suit (for the 1st and 2nd positions, better have 2 tops (A/K/Q) of the suit
Bids after it
2NT 18~19hp balanced
Bids after it
3/3/3/3 preemptives
Like Standard American

Bids after 1 opening
Bid Description Note
* 1 Non-Forcing: 0~8hp, and not good for weak 2 or weak jump Bids after it
1/1 6+HPs, 4+ suit, forcing Bids after it
1NT/3NT 1NT: 9~11 even, without 4-cards major
3NT: 12~15 even, without 4-cards major
Bids after it
2/2 9+hp, at least force to 2NT or 3-level minor
(Have such situations:
9+: 6+cards minor suit, may have 4-cards major
9+: 5-5 or 5-4 two minors and not good for 1NT/3NT bid
16+: even, no 4-cards major, showing the 4-cards minor)
Bids after it
2/2/3/3 5~8hp, weak jump Bids after it
* 2NT 5~8hp, weak jump, 2 minors Bids after it

Bids after partner's 1 respond to your 1 opening
Bid Description Note
Pass 12~14, diamond suit Bids after it
1/1 12~14, 4-cards Bids after it
1NT no 4 cards major, no 5-cards diamond Bids after it
2 55 or 54 two minors, and not good for NT Bids after it

Bids after partner's 1/1 respond to your 1 opening
Bid Description Note
single raise partners suit 4-cards support. Bids after it
double raise partners suit No double raise, only single raise and let partner invite you Bids after it
1 after the 1 4 cards suit and nothing about partners heart suit Bids after it
2/2 4+ cards suit and with 3 cards support for partner's major Bids after it
1NT No 3 cards support for partner's major Bids after it

Bids after 1 opening
Bid Description Note
* 1 8- HP Bids after it
* 1 9+ HPs but not good for 2 level bids Bids after it
* 1NT 9+ HPs, 5-5 plus two suits, game forcing Bids after it
2/2 9+ HPs, 6+cards suit, game forcing Bids after it
2/2 9+ HPs, 6+ suit and with another 4+ cards suit, game forcing Bids after it

Bids after partner's 1 respond to your 1 opening
Description bids Note
1/2/2/2 15~17: real suit Bids after it
* 1NT Strong hand like SAYC's 2 opening, reopening Bids after it
2/3/3/3 jump, 18~19 real suit Bids after it
2NT 20~21hp Bids after it

Bids after partner's 1 respond to your 1 opening
* 1NT Spade suit, partner took my bid Bids after it
22/2 Real suit Bids after it
* 2 4441 distribution, any single Bids after it
2NT 20+ hp, balanced hand Bids after it

Bids after 1/ opening
Bid Description Note
pass no game interesting Bids after it
1 after 1opening 6+hp,4+ cards suit, Forcing Bids after it
1NT 7~10hp, even and no support Bids after it
2 Forcing:
1, 9-11HP, Club suit
2, 8~9HP with support, exploring further
3, 11+HP, exploring further
Bids after it
2 10-11hp, real suit, and no support to partner's major Bids after it
2 after 1opening 9-11hp, real suit, and no support to partner's spade Bids after it
2NT 12+hp and good support Bids after it
single raise 0-7hp weak Bids after it
double raise 10-11hp Bids after it
jump new suit 10-10hp, real suit and with 3 cards for partner's major Bids after it

Bids after:

Are usually natural, and you can develop fancy conventions according to whatever you and your partner like.
Have Fun and Win !!!

LH Blue Card Simplifed Version

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