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The Kerbakruz

This race was suggested by jSarek

Would you like to help invent the Kerbakruz? Just invent a fact, any fact, about them and send it to me. Write "Kerbakruz" in the subject area. I'll post what you have sent so that others can add to it.

The Kerbakruz is an alien race from the planet Kerbak, the only terrestrial planet in its star system. The species is largely reptilian, with scales and cold blood. They are bipedal and have two pairs of arms, with three narrow fingers at the end of each (they have no distinct hands).

The Kerbakruz have large almond-shaped black eyes with minature heads. They stand a total of 2 feet tall. A phaser setting of at least nine is required to stun them. Their ships look like compact discs in that they rotate around one center section. This is how most of the structures they build look like. Their first and so far only attempt at warp flight was blown up when a wrong mixture of matter/antimatter was used during the flight. The Federation is observing them, until the proper time for first contact.
--Lee Jamilkowski

They seem rather intelligent and are able to come up with solutions for problems very fast.

The Kerbakruz people are currently undergoing a scientific crisis. Since three of their scientists, Gho Vak, Jib Vak, and Koorm Uytylik, disproved the theory of evolution, science on Kerbak has changed dramatically. Views in biology, astronomy, geology, and many other sciences are being rethought. Some scientists are favoring Divine creation, while others remain undecided. Many now believe that the origins of the universe and of life are scientifically impossible to determine absolutely.

Meanwhile, the school system has been effected as well. As a result of the new scientific information, a law has been passed forbidding public schools to teach unproved theories as fact. However, they may be taught as theory.
--Bearcat (

The scientific crisis within Kerbakruz society has been viewed with great amusement by the Kerbakruz artistic community. Expressing themselves verbally and through media such as ceramics, sculpture, and landscaping, Kerbakruz artists have long held that the scientific community's overzealous acceptance of its theories as facts would lead to its downfall, and now they are beginning to retake Kerbak's educational institutions in the name of arts and literature.

On the western coast of Din'kallaj, the most temperate of the Kerbak's three large continents, artist colonies which had inhabited the tree covered hillsides have converged on prominent universities in less than peaceful take-overs, ousting the scientists who had long reigned over academia and replacing positivistic tuition with experience and training in the artistic and literary fields. Imaryg Villimt, is expected to emerge as a coalition leader among these western groups as they begin to cooperate with each other and organize similar actions throughout the rest of the continent. Ironically, her biggest problem may well be the same one troubling the scientific community: Is artistic expression divinely inspired or does it originate from the artist's true self?

The Kerbakruz are currently living in the year 3576.4.91. This basically means that they are in the year 3576, it is Karuz, or 'month' 4, and the Ga'iz, or 'day' is 91. They normally have 5 Karuz's, with about 93 Ga-iz's in each Karuz. They live in a patriarch-monarchy, with Shi Dugal as the 'Van Qvyestr' (Vaan K-vest-or), or emperor, if you will.

The main country on the second largest continent, called Tul Kiel, hosts the capital, Dur Kiel. This country, however, is not a most of their countries are. Since it was proclaimed the capital, they decided that it would be necessary to make it stand out. Therefore, in the year 1238.2.76, scientists set about creating a potion that would enable a tree, or 'Fazniqa' to grow faster and much, much, bigger. Once they found the proper serum, they injected it into a young and fertile Fazniqa Dasqui. It grew for a year, the year 1240, entitled the year of Unity. Once it finished, it stood 1,000 or so feet tall, with an area of 1,121 square miles. People began to populate it, and Dur Kiel was claimed on 1272.3.43. Dur Kiel is now the capital. The biggest port, that has the greatest chance of being the site for first contact, is New Tiev. It is second only to Dur Kiel.
--C. Delving

Being cold blooded, it would seem unlikely the reptiloids could expand beyond the sunny equitorial belt of thier world. The primative Kerbakruz learned that a nocturnal marsupial-type animal called a GgRp (after the noise they make when stepped on) could keep them warm down to freezing temperatures. This led to selective breeding, and bigger and dumber GgRps were produced. As the Kerbakruz developed, the need for the warm creatures diminished, but became a status symbol amoung the hierarchy.

The Federation believes that the Kerbakruz are of a lower technology level but they are not. Instead, however, of technological knowledge, the Kerbakruz have focused their efforts on things such as food, art, and other random things, many useless. As the great Kerbakruz philosopher Nhiz'Dan once said, "Who can say if knowledge of the average number of Khwajitilks (a raisin-like fruit) in a Rewtryadghi (A sort of hollow pastry cylinder that is used as food, a sort of muffin almost) does not relate directly to fathoming the secret of the multiverse?" As a result of this kind of thinking, the Kerbakruz know much more about the secrets of the universe than the Federation, as everything is investigated for clues to the bigger picture. Of course 99% of this information is useless.

The Kerbakruz have two separate and distinct cultures intermingled throughout their society. The first considers itself the "mainstream" society. It consists of the majority of the population. It is within this culture that most decisions are made, and is most effected by the upheavel created by the retro-science movement and the introspection of the arts. Members of this culture call themselves Tor'bruz, meaning the "distinct ones." The Tor'bruz alter their appearance to set themselves apart from others in their social circles.

The second culture is made up of a minority of the population. The Kergru run all major bureaucracy on the planet, but do not delve into real politics. The positions they hold are handed down to their children, and the bureaucratic power runs in a hierarchy, thus creating a line of royalty among the Kergru. The structure is shaken up from time to time from infighting and power-plays, but not the whole, the Kergru have created a highly stable bureaucracy that will most likely weather the stresses of the Kerbakruz society proper.

The Kerbakruz, like many other races before them throughout history, made one fatal flaw. Although being a peaceful people, committed to art, literature, and the "finer" things in life, in making things better for themselves made mortal enemies of the GgRp. As with all selective breeding, and genetic engineering experiments, those experimented on eventually turn on their creators. The Kerbakruz had thought them dumb ignorant creatures to be used for their own comfort, and had attempted to breed them that way. And for generations it had worked. The first sign of trouble was when Chi Vak, son of one of their greatest scientists Gho Vak, was found smothered by a GgRp. When others started turning up dead by the hundreds, they realized their mistake. Exploitation.

This was the reason they had attempted space flight, which had ended in disaster. And though the Federation had them under observation, they would not interfere because of the prime directive.

A few rebels saw early on into the exploitation of the GgRp and hid out in the northern continent with GpRp allowing Darwin's theory of Evolution to take hold in their species to become intelligent enough to co-exist with the Kerbakruz. The government for years tried to track down the rebels but always came to dead ends because the rebels were always a step of head of the game; they had an insider in the government.

When the GgRp started to turning agianst their genetic manupulators the rebels decided to go on the offensive to teach the government a lesson about not to exploit other species to the point of devolotion and canceling out the natural order.

Being reptilian and "cold blooded", the Kerbakruz have very slow metabolisms and only eat about once a fortnight. These meals are huge family affairs that everyone is expected to attend. Good Kerbakruz cooks are not easy to come by and the family that can boast a good cook is highly regarded.

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