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Chapter One

Chapter Two


  "Captn's Log supplemental.  We have negotiated a technological exchange with the Crtk'ln'smiszids.  We have given 'em our food replication technology for a warp nacelle and drive that'll get us home in a year and a half.  Thank goodness for small favors.  Unfortunately, we have just encountered the border of Klingon space.  I have no idea how we're going to cross."    

"Sir," Chekov said.  "I tink we should make a vun for it."    

"Lad, are ye' out of your mind?"    

"No, sir," replied the Russian.  "We this new varp drive, ve should be able to make home across Klingon space wit' no problem, assuming ve do not stop."    

"Then make it so, lad..."    

Sulu programmed a course straight towards Earth.  The ship warped forward when the alien drive failed.    

"We've been tricked," yelled Scotty.    

"Sir," said Chekov.  "Neutrino emissions have increased 530 percent.  A wormhole has formed around us."    

A sudden jolt signaled the end of the 10 second ride.    

"Where are we Mr. Sulu?"    

"No... we're in the middle of Klingon space.  And the engine room reports that the warp engine is offline."
--Lee Jamilkowski

  "Mr. Sulu can't we get out of here on impulse engines?" Scotty asked.

"Yes" Sulu said. Suddenly a transporter beam came on the bridge.

"Mr Scott,get me to the Sick bay" It was Mr. Spock! Then Mr Spock fainted.

Later, Scotty hit a button on the chair and said," Doctor,how's Mr Spock?"

"Fine,he's going to the bridge." McCoy out. Spock took command.
--JJ Crockroft

Spock slowly walked onto the bridge. He looked around for an unusually long time.

''Are ye all right, Mister Spock?''

There was a long pause. Spock finally said, ''Yes.'' He walked gingerly to the command chair and sat down. Scotty was curious. Even for a Vulcan, Spock was behaving very strangely. Before Scotty could say anything, Spock ordered, ''Set a course bearing 309 mark 129. Warp six.''

''But sir,'' said Chekov, ''That takes us away from the Federation.''

''I know of a...'' Spock paused for a suspiciously long time, ''A shortcut.''

''What the hell are ye talkin' aboot, sir?'' said Scotty incredously.

Spock ignored him. ''Mr Sulu, set course and engage.''

Sulu folded his arms and stared at Spock. ''I don't who the hell you are, but you're not our first officer.''

'Spock' stood up. His body shimmered and changed to the form of a robot similar to the one that had abducted Kirk. It transported away immediately. The Enterprise bridge crew were left staring at the empty command chair.
--Stephen Errity

Suddenly, "Spock" was transported to a Minyon planet, and Kirk and Spock reappered on the bridge. Kirk said,"Chekov,where are we?"

He repiled, "Keptain, we're in the klingon space we have to make a vun for it."

"Sulu, set coarse bearing 254.6." Spock said.

Sulu repiled,"Captain, that will lead us directly to Talos 4.

Kirk said, "That's an order Mr Sulu. Mr. Spock, meet me in the transporter room in five minutes."

Kirk says, "Chekov, do we have any power in the phaser banks?"

"Keptan, ve've transported the power from the transporter." he replied.

Spock looked up from his station and said, "Fasinating,Captain we have suddenly been transported hundreds of light years away from Minyon space. Exactly one thousand, four hundred twenty two point six. "


"Sir," The Russian said, "Where are we?"

"We are in orbit of Talos 4." Mr.Spock said.

"Sir, What about the Death Penalty?" The Russian asked.

Kirk looked around for an unusual amount of time and said,"Lt., contact Starfleet Command and get my orders and options if any."

"Aye Sir." Uhura said.
--JJ Crockroft

Uhura pressed a few buttons and said, "No response from Starfleet. All I am picking up is a strong message from the Minyons that proclaim us to be heretics. But there's something else... in private, Mr. Scott." Scotty walked over to Uhura and she whispered something into his ear. He started smiling.

"Heretics?" Chekov asked.

"They indicate we do not have any organized religion," Uhura stated."

"That is what this is about?" Kirk questioned.

That was when a Minyonian "robot" appeared on the bridge. Suddenly, Kirk and Spock were transported away again. Scotty took the command chair. "Why?" he asked.

"You were incorrect. We are the Minyons... and we will destroy you heretics," stated the Minyon.

That was when Scotty slashed his thumb sideways in the air in front of his throat. Uhura immediately opened communications with the inhabitants of Talos IV, who the Minyons had left unjammed.
--Lee Jamilkowski

"Talos 4 come in! This is the U.S.S Enterprise. Commander Scott in temporary command. Where is Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock?" Scotty asked.

The Talosain replied, "They have gone into what will be. All that you knew is gone."

"Computer," Scott said "Where is Captin Kirk and Mr.spock?"

The computer replied "Captain Kirk transported to U.S.S Enterprise-E stardate 57840.7"


"Who are you?" Kirk asked.

"I'm commander Data of the U.S.S Enterprise-E. This is stardate 12455.4."

"Why are your eyes yellow?"

"I'm an android."
--JJ Crockroft

Kirk looked around the bridge, which is obviously where he was. The bridge looked like it was designed for a ship that was to see some battle. He saw the android connected by a few cables to the captain's chair.

"How, might I ask, did you get aboard the Enterprise?" Data asked.

"I am Captain James T. Kirk. I was onboard my ship and an alien race known as the Minyons transported me here. I have no idea why. Where is the crew of this ship?"

"An alien organization known as the Dominion planted a genetically engieneered virus into key Federation facilities and at planets with only civilian populations. Humans and Vulcans succumbed and the Klingons fell afterward. All humans, Vulcans and Klingons are now dead. I managed to pilot the Enterprise out of the war zone before the Dominion could capture her. It is more efficient for me to control the rest of the ship from here."

"The Dominion. I will have to inform Starfleet so that they may prepare."

On the original Enterprise, Scott had no idea what to do. Suddenly, an arc of energy pierced the bridge dome and struck the Minyon. It disappeared.

"Mr. Scott, the communications blackout just ended. Starfleet transmission coming through from Headquarters."

"Tell 'em that I will be with 'em in a minute."

Suddenly, a flash passed through the known universe. The timeline was repairing itself. The Enterprise was in orbit of Earth and proceeded on it's mission to provide medical supploes to a colony in the Wolf system. On Talos IV, only the residents of that planet knew what had happened.

One asked another, "Did we do the right thing?"

"The Federation and the timeline were preserved."

"But we condemened one race to oblivion."

"True, but the Minyon were pure evil."

"Were they?"

The Talosian pondered it for a moment, before the flash passed through them.
--Lee Jamilkowski

Author's Note: I became intrigued by the idea of a Kevin Uxbridge finish--- destroying the entire race and pondering the consequences. But it is Star Trek--- they could be back...

The End

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