Hello!!U finally made here...**phew**..heheh..anyways Hello my friends...Thank you for visiting my homepage...I finally got down to doing it and well I should say I took a mighty long time to accomplish!Something or other went wrong...:)Well...coming back to me...I was born into a family of all girls..on a bright afternoon and well..basically I was the fourth girl in the family(my parents were expecting a boy..considering it had been 8 yrs since my sister was born).Well anyway that was 18 years ago..and now I have transformed into a tall(I mean..TALL!!) girl.Lets cut the crap and get down to the reason why you came to my website and that is to find out more about me.Alrite my friends..I shall leave you alone from now to navigate the homepage and please feel free to drop a line or two in my guestbook.Thanks and God bless:)