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The Jellicle Quality Webring
(The Fragment)

This is our one and only fragment. I used to offer up to three choices, but currently this is the only one I will accept. You will *need* to have this on your webpage somewhere to be added the Jellicle Quality Webring. When you joined, it was e-mailed to you, but in the case that you missed it, copy it from here and add it to your webpage. You will need to insert the proper IDs, so if you aren't sure what yours is, ask me, I'll be glad to tell you!

<p> <CENTER> <P><TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING= CELLSPACING= WIDTH=300> <TR><TH> <font face=arial font size=2> <center><img src=""></center> <center>[<a href=";id=SITE_ID_HERE;action=next">Next Site</a>] [<a href=";id=SITE_ID_HERE;action=prev">Previous Site</A>] [<a href=";action=list">Site Index</a>]</center> <center>[<a href="">Click here to join!</a>]</center> </p> </td></tr></table>

It shoud look like this if you've done it right-

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This webring was created by a fan for the convienience of other CATS fans. I take no claim to any materiel copyrighted by the Really Useful Group. Please respect the work I put into this website, don't steal!