If you joined the webring, please copy this, and put it on your page somewhere where I can find it. You may put it on a seperate "Webrings" page or on your links page if you like, just so I can find it. Please fill in your site ID in the spaces provided, as well as your name and e-mail. After you've done this, send me an e-mail notifying me, and I'll add you!
Note: If you plan to be a member of the ring, the following HTML *must* be properly pasted on your site, with all IDs inserted in their place!
This webpage was created for fans by a fan, all Narnia related materials are (c) CS Lewis, I do not take any claim to them. Do not steal any webring images for your own use, they may ONLY be used for webring purposes. The images were a gift and design is (c) its respective designer. Any questions should be sent to fiver753@yahoo.com . Thank you!