Malta Lodge #17

Malta's Minutes

Malta Lodge #17
Thermopolis, WY

Happenings Update
Sept. 9—Visit from Bro. Bill Eversole, Grand Lodge Information Officer. Eric Kay elected as local Info. Officer.
Sept. 23—Visit from Bro. Kit Carson, Grand Master’s Representative.
Sept. 30—Family fun night, carry-in, lots of games and laughs!
Oct. 14—Bill Patterson, Wyoming head of DeMolay, discussed possible local DeMoley charter.
Oct. 28—Navajo Tacos served at Moonlight- Madness. Regular meeting, Jobes served dinner.
Nov. 10—Basin meeting, EA degree, 13 members of Malta #17 went
Nov. 13—Eastern Star Grand visit, Jobes served dinner.
Nov. 16—Several members of Malta #17 attended the Town council meeting
Nov. 25—There will be no meeting (have a great Thanksgiving)
Dec. 30—Will be family night (5TH Thursday of the month)

Malta #17—Lodge of the Year!
Malta Lodge #17 was given the Lodge of the Year Award for the Northwest quadrant of Wyoming. The award was accepted by Bro. Dennis Wilson P.M. at a ceremony at Grand Lodge in August. Other Brothers attending were Tim Lippincott, Dan Rowe, Ralph Hastings P.M., and John Brooks P.M. Bro. Ralph Hastings P.M. was appointed Grand Orator, and Bro. Dennis Wilson P.M. was appointed District Education Councilor. Bro. Ike Blakesley P.M. was appointed District Instructor.

Bikes for Kids
On November 16th, several members of Malta #17 attended the Town council meeting to request any unclaimed bicycles from the town police department. Seventeen bikes were received. Approximately 30 bikes are on hand. Members will be needed to help fix and clean up bikes. If interested call WM Dan Rowe.

New Candles at Alter
New (real) candles were lit for the first time in memory, around the altar during the November 11th meeting. Bro. L.T. Fury, Senior Deacon, located the candles and lit them while attending the alter. Several members commented on how nice they looked.

Malta Lodge #17 in Cyberspace
Chaplain, Eric Kay, also head of the Information Committee, proposed that Malta #17 start a website. Several ideas and logistics were discussed. WM Dan Rowe appointed a committee to assist Bro. Eric. The committee includes Tim Lippincott, Dennis Wilson, and Neil Conner. Any suggestions are welcome. Please contact Bro. Eric at or call him at home.

Happy Holidays from Malta Lodge #17
Malta #17 would like to wish all Brothers and their families a merry and safe holiday season. May the GAOTU smile upon you!