Malta Lodge #17

Malta's Minutes

Malta Lodge #17
Thermopolis, WY

Malta Lodge #17


February, 2003


Events Upcoming

We made it to 2003 and half way through the Lodge year with several candidates making their way to the East. Malta Lodge has quite a few events coming up to round out the year. Masters Club in Riverton, March 1, should be fun. We also have several dinners scheduled for the first meeting of each month to honor various people. Bring a dish and join us.

Our Dna sampling project will take place at the Health Fair this year. We will need volunteers to help out with that. Then in May, we値l have the 3 on 3 Taco sale downtown. I知 looking forward to the Fellowship shared while working on all these projects.

See you there,

Clay Little

Worshipful Master


More Projects

Several ideas have come up which I壇 like to share with you and get some input. One of these ideas we値l call the "Adopt A Mason" program. Hopefully this program will increase attendance in our Lodge. Basically, each Brother will have the responsibility of picking up a chosen Brother and bring him to Lodge. I know and understand that not everyone can make it to meetings all the time. I also know that we could all use a little nudge now and then. I知 guilty! Some of our members may want to come but have no means of getting there. If that痴 the case, please call me and I値l make the necessary arrangements to get you in Lodge.

The other project being considered is Degree Teams. The Lodge would put together a team for each degree. I think it would be a good way to get our newer members involved and make them feel more confident in lodge. We have to remember that Malta Lodges future and its ritual work depends on these new members.


Projects Cont.

I ask that everyone consider these and come to Lodge or call me with your thoughts or other ideas.

We have some work to do on the building after the thaw this spring. Mainly sealing the roof and the exterior walls. When the time comes we値l be needing help with these projects so be prepared.


Malta lodge Website

If you have a chance, get into our Website at

Brother Eric has been busy updating the site and has done an excellent job as usual. The last time I was in the site there was over 3100 hits. We need some new photos for the site, so if any of you have something you want posted, please notify Eric or myself and we値l see if we can get them in.