A.F. & A.M.

417 Arapahoe St.

Thermopolis, WY  82443



JANUARY 2, 2007



Greetings Brothers:


            We have had a busy and fun Fall/Winter as we close out 2006 and look forward to 2007.  We are happy to report that we fill the chairs most every meeting and have many “side-liners” as well.  Now that the Holidays are over, here is the tentative schedule for the next few months. 


            DATE                          DAY                            EVENT


            January 11                    Thursday                      Proficiency

                                                                                    EA Degree--Redmon


            January 13                    Saturday                       Grand Master’s Winter Reunion



            January 25                    Thursday                      Carry-in Dinner

                                                                                    EA Degree—McCumber twins


            February 8                   Thursday                      MM Degree—Sarchet, Shinkle


            February 18                 Sunday             Attend Community Church


            February 22                 Thursday                      Proficiency


            February 24                 Saturday                       FC Degree/Luncheon

                                                                                                Redmon, McCumber, Cavalli


            March 6                       Tuesday                       Attend Town Council


            March 8                       Thursday                      Proficiency

                                                                                    MM Degree—Redmon, McCumber


            March 22                     Thursday                      Wives and Widows Dinner

                                                                                                Details TBA

                                                                                    Masonic History program


            April 7                          Saturday                       Health Fair


            April 12                        Thursday                      Carry-in Dinner

                                                                                    Citizen of the Year

                                                                                    Student of the Year

                                                                                    Mason of the Year


            April 26                        Thursday                      Proficiency/Degree Work


            May 4                          Friday                          5:00—Highway pickup

                                                                                    6:30—Picnic in State Park


            May 10                        Thursday                      6:00—Mason’s Taco Dinner

                                                                                    7:00—Family in Lodge/Open Lodge


            May 24                        Thursday                      Election

                                                                                    Proficiency/Degree Work


            June 7                          Thursday                      Carry-in Dinner

                                                                                    Honor Malta’s Veterans

                                                                                    Proficiency/Degree Work


            June 21                        Thursday                      Installation of Officers

                                                                                    20/25/30……50 year pins


We have on-going degree work for six candidates; and brothers have promised a few more Petitions are on the way.  The Degree Teams have presented excellent work—you would be proud of your brothers—so don’t miss the work.  We also enjoy Masonic Education/History each meeting.  Please complete and return the attached Veteran’s information for the Honor Malta’s Veterans night.  Also, please submit nominations for Citizen of the Year and Student of the Year.


            The Tuesday Morning Coffee Club at the Lodge Hall at 10 AM is still going strong.  Come join us for a cup and a bite of home-made goodies. 


            The Grand Master’s Winter Reunion is in Casper on January 13.  It would be great to take a couple of car loads—maybe even take a candidate or two.


            Big Horn Basin Master’s Club will be in a few months.  Watch for details.  We hope to take candidates. We look forward to seeing you in the near future.  Have a Prosperous New Year!!





Michael S. Messenger

Worshipful Master