Malta Lodge #17

Malta’s Minutes Malta Lodge #17 Thermopolis, WY

Trestle Board

DUES are due! If you have not yet paid this year’s dues, you are remiss! Please send Secretary Wilson your check ASAP! Thanks.

Jan. 10th Carry-In dinner at 6:00 followed by regular meeting. Chamber of Commerce members will be honored that night.

Jan. 24th Regular meeting with a 1st degree.

Feb. 14th Regular meeting with a 3rd degree.

Feb. 28th Carry-In dinner at 6:00 followed by regular meeting. Search and Rescue members and EMT’s will be honored that night.

A three-degree seminar will be held in Lander on Jan. 12th. If interested in going, please contact WM. Tim at 864-3177.

Master’s Club will be held the first Saturday in March. Malta Lodge will be doing a 1st degree for the meeting. We’d love to have a great turnout! Hope to see you there.

New Members

Several new members are in the process of being initiated. This year Lodge has done two third degree proficiencies and four more are very close. If you can lend a hand with any of the degree work, please notify WM. Tim as soon as possible before each meeting. We’re glad to have as many new members as we have. Malta Lodge #17 was the ONLY lodge to show membership growth in the state last year, and we hope to do it again this year!

Read a Good Book Lately?

Several members of Lodge have been discussing their latest readings. Masonic History is only one of the areas that Brothers are interested in these days. WM. Tim has discussed Who Moved My Cheese several times in Lodge. Fish is another excellent book that he has referenced. Several Brothers have also discussed The Bloodline of the Holy Grail outside of lodge. It is a startling book about early Christian Church history, but also looks at the Knight’s Templar and other related areas. If you’ve read a good book lately, bring it up at lodge and discuss it.

Malta Lodge Website

The Malta Lodge Website has been recently updated. Officers in the appendant bodies have been updated along with recent awards and new links. The biggest addition to the website will be pictures of ALL the Past Masters! If you are a Past Master and your picture in not at the lodge, please see WM. Tim or Bro. Eric as soon as possible. A big thanks goes to WM. Tim and his son for scanning all of the old photographs.


Malta Lodge #17 has received several awards from Grand Lodge and our own community this year. It was awarded the 2000-2001's Lodge of the Year for the Northwest quadrant of Wyoming.

WM. Tim Lippincott was awarded the Mason of the Year for the Northwest quadrant for 2000-2001. The Outstanding Service to the Community Award from the Hot Springs County Commissioners was also awarded to the Lodge.

New Years Eve Dance

Jobs Daughters and DeMolay hosted a very successful New Years Eve dance attended by over 50 people. Bro. John Brooks provided the musical entertainment by playing DJ.