Malta Lodge #17

Malta’s Minutes Malta Lodge #17 Thermopolis, WY

Trestle Board

DUES are due! If you have not yet paid this year’s dues, you are remiss! Please send Secretary Wilson your check ASAP! Thanks.


Malta #17

521 Arapahoe

Thermopolis, WY


Highway Cleanup

Coming up soon. (Depending on the weather) And, it will be combined with a picnic.

Masters Club

Masters Club was held in Worland this year with Malta #17 doing the first degree. It was changed from a competition event to a one-day class this year. Everyone seemed to have a lot of fun. If you haven’t been to one, you should go for the fun.

Deputy Grand Master

Bill Harmon will be visiting in April. It’s not official but I think he just likes us. He’s a great guy.

New Master Mason

We have a new Master Mason. Brother Eric Belk. His father-in-law came from South Carolina to raise him. He works at the hospital in Thermopolis. His wife has joined Eastern Star and his son and daughter have joined DeMolay and Jobs Daughters.

Jobs & DeMolay

Jobs Daughters has been growing which is really exciting. If you haven’t been to one of their meetings (1st & 3rd Monday of the month) you should attend one.

DeMolay is about to launch in full force. Some proficiencies are now being done. They meet on the 4th Monday of each month and the weekend of the 23rd of March.

They will both be attending the Thermo Blast in Thermopolis with Jobs and DeMolay from throughout the state.

Coming Dinners

There will be a carry-in on the 4th Thursday of April at 6 p.m. to honor Jobs Daughters and DeMolay. Make a point to attend and meet these young ladies and gentlemen.

Malta Lodge Website

Pictures of all the past Masters of Malta 17 are now on the website. If you would like to see them, go to

then click on the "Officers" link. There have been over 2700 hits on the Malta website. Brother Eric Kay has done a fantastic job. You might e-mail him and tell him thanks.

Visit your brothers and sisters

If you are in Worland, try to find time to visit Earl Voorhees. He is thrilled to see anyone from this lodge.

If you want a good history lesson, you should visit Wertz Hancock at the Manor in Thermopolis. He will soon be 91 and is super alert.

Many have been sick with the flu and have been unable to attend meetings. We wish them all well.

Great website to visit

A good place to get some great history is They also have a great search engine for Masonic information.